Hands Up for Healthy Minds #HandsUp4HealthyMinds
What do all these famous people have in common? All of us have mental health and, like our bodies, our minds can become unwell 1 in 10 young people will experience a mental health problem These include depression, anxiety disorder, eating disorders, psychosis or bipolar disorder It’s important to talk about mental health and get help early if things don’t feel right, just like we would for our physical health #HandsUp4HealthyMinds
Stress and Anxiety Everyone has different triggers and can be caused by many things like: Illness School Exams Bullying Facing unfamiliar challenges Relationships Pressures of growing up Physical symptoms can include: a pounding heartbeat breathing faster palpitations (an irregular heartbeat) feeling sick chest pains headaches sweating loss of appetite feeling faint needing the toilet more frequently "butterflies" in your tummy Psychological symptoms can include: feeling worried or uneasy a lot of the time having difficulty sleeping, which makes you feel tired not being able to concentrate being irritable being extra alert feeling on edge or not being able to relax needing frequent reassurance from other people feeling tearful Coping with different situations Bereavement #HandsUp4HealthyMinds
Characteristics of good mental health Uses health skills such as stress management Copes/adapts with change Assertive Active listener Can be part of a team/group Feels good about themselves Feels comfortable with other people Able to meet the demands of life Expresses emotions in healthy ways Is optimistic (positive) #HandsUp4HealthyMinds
You are like a car… Without both working parts AND a skilled/ alert driver, the car won’t go anywhere – no matter how well the parts are working! So what can we do to improve the health of our minds #HandsUp4HealthyMinds
Support strategies Talking being open with people I trust about how I’m feeling Exercising looking after my body, playing sport, eating healthy Calming trying meditation, good sleep habits like turning my phone off early Learning a new skill, a great way to gain confidence Relating spending time with the people I care about Contributing helping others or contributing to causes I believe in Creating expressing myself creatively e.g. music, art, drama, writing Congratulating being kind to myself, or listing the qualities I value in myself Set achievable goals Be good to yourself Give time to activities, learn to relax Believe in yourself Manage your time a new skill, a great way to gain confidence Keep things in perspective #HandsUp4HealthyMinds
“Same picture, different view” #HandsUp4HealthyMinds
Everyone’s mind is different #HandsUp4HealthyMinds
VISIT STUDENT RECEPTION THIS WEDNESDAY Essential support for under 25s www.themix.org.uk Kooth.com #HandsUp4HealthyMinds