Student Organization Leadership Our time together will be focused on topics like sexual assault, rape culture, healthy/ unhealthy relationships, affirmative consent and bystander intervention. We know that this topic affects everyone directly or indirectly and can have varying impacts. Please take care of yourselves, even if that means leaving the room and rejoining. With that, we also realize people just need to use the restroom, feel free to take care of that too (-: (the bathroom thing is improatnat to say because if survivors decide to exit, without that, they feel like they are being “outted” and it feels less safe to leave. Bethany Hargraves, Student Equity Specialist Title IX/DHR
Before we dig in… Please take care of you (heart emoji)! May be challenging to hear, our intention is not to be insensitive or offensive, it is to ensure you have information you need to be successful as a student here at CSUSM, and beyond! Before we dig in… If you become upset or too uncomfortable please feel free to step out and re-join when you are ready Please take care of you (heart emoji)!
What if Bears Killed One in Five People? We are going to start with showing this PSA from the It’s on Us organization. Pay attention to the various message you think the creators wanted to convey and twists they applied to common phrases we might hear. (Ensure closed captioning is on- campus standard that for accessibility our videos have closed captioning)
What are the messages you heard? What were the messages you heard Thoughts? Bystander intervention (he knew “oh, that’s just a big, angry, hungry bear, just pretend it’s not there” friends become upset once it affects and threatens them- angry he didn’t protect his friends- who usually gets blamed for not “protecting friends”? Typically females and their friends (buddy system, drinking, stay together- leave together girl code). How many times do we hear friends to people who did this being asked questions? What would you do if this was your friend? In what different ways could you address what is happening? Would it be different if the actors identified as Female? Why do you think they had a male- presenting cast, how might that change the message or impact? (Women’s issue vs. Men’s issue, etc.) When confronted by Lamorne “math nerd” tries to challenge main character- calls names, distracts “let’s pile on this guy”, tries to discredit him Myths, phrases “bears will be bears”, what goes on between you and the bear is not my problem… “you’re overreacting” What do you think about the bear representing the problem? (big scary, obvious- symbolism and it being problematic because these problematic people are a classmate, our best friend’s friend, a relative…) “it’s not going away, but I don’t know what to do about it” and at the end “the majority is fine and I don’t want to deal with this problem”,
In person/ Digital abuse how do you asses this for yourself? What are your boundaries in a relationship? What are your digital boundaries? how do you set your boundaries with people in your life? what do you say to someone who might be in a unhealthy relationship ? what are others ways to address an unhealthy relationship? What does a healthy relationship look like? What are characteristics of an unhealthy relationship? #ThatsNotLove campaign | Because I Love You - Delete | One Love Foundation
Affirmative Consent What is it and what is it not? **Consent to one form of sexual activity does not mean consent to other forms **Prior sexual activity is not consent for future activity ** It is the responsibility of the person initiating a sex act to obtain clear, affirmative consent. Whenever you are unsure if consent has been given, you need to ask. Consent is not asking over and over until someone gives in. If you hook up with someone under the influence of a substance, you are taking a risk. We realize this happens all the time and if you are not familiar with that person (how they are sober, how they are buzzed, what they re like when they are drunk) then it is more challenging to assess their level of incapacitation. What are ways you assess this? (balance, speech- slurring, fast talking, falling asleep, tangential conversation…) What can you do if you see someone trying to make a move on or hook up with someone who is intoxicated?
Not mandated to report to Confidential people CSUSM Sexual Violence Advocate & Educator Center for Community Solutions (off campus) WRC (off campus) Not mandated to report to police or university Police (UPD) Criminal investigation Can get Sexual Assault Forensic Exam with or without police report CSUSM Title IX University Investigation and/or support Interim remedies - no contact orders - academic support - resources Who is confidential and who is not- When Christa there can elaborate what my role does. Resources