Massimo Bezzi - Vice President European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 8th July 2019 Sofia - Bulgaria Ms Elettra Bilibio, EFESME Advisor
Massimo Bezzi - Vice President SBS – Small Business Standards SMEs in Europe represents 99,8% of the entrepreneurial fabric; they employ millions of workers across the continent; SBS represents 12 million SMEs thanks to its members; The European Commission believes SBS to be an essential added value to protect SMEs, and it actively supports SBS’ work EFESME is one of the SBS’ funding members: this because we believe in the fundamental importance of a strong technical representation in Europe to promote, support, and protect SMEs. EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 230 7414 – Email: –
Massimo Bezzi - Vice President EFESME’s collaboration with SBS The SBS’ mission is to represent and defend SMEs’ interests in the standardisation process at European and international level. Moreover, it aims at raising SMEs awareness about the benefits of standards and at encouraging them to get involved in the standardisation process. INTERNATIONAL LEVEL EUROPEAN LEVEL NATIONAL LEVEL Engage with stake- holders involved at international level Annual Event Trainings Engage with EU Institutions Capacity-building programme Train-the-trainer programme National Seminars Engage with National Standardisation Organisations EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 230 7414 – Email: –
Massimo Bezzi - Vice President SBS Sectoral approach It supports four sectors which need SME-friendlier standards Construction ITC Lifts PPE & Textile care The SBS sectoral approach provides the resources, both in personnel and in finance, to the associations representing SMEs in these sectors, to allow them to be present in the standardisation processes, to make SMEs' instances known, and to disseminate their knowledge among SMEs. EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 230 7414 – Email: –
Massimo Bezzi - Vice President EFESME activities within the SBS sectoral approach Monitoring of European relevant Directives and standards Development of Sectorial Positions Participation in technical groups ETSI Smart M2M EPD Notified Bodies – Lifts LWG Dissemination of information SBS Lift Forum Outside the sectoral approach, EFESME’s collaboration with SBS allows our experts to attend the meetings of ISO and CEN, and to work with them to support and protect SMEs EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 230 7414 – Email: –
Massimo Bezzi - Vice President SMEs’ problems with standardisation process Linguistic difficulties with technical jargon Complexity of the procedures Expenses: not all SMEs can afford it Lack of specialised standardisation experts Lack of representation if there is no support from an association EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 230 7414 – Email: –
Massimo Bezzi - Vice President Thank you for your attention Follow us