Welcome to Mr. Mallory’s Third Grade Carroll Elementary School 2019-2020 School Year
Tonight’s Norms Be present Cell phones on silent Noisy little ones – step out please Keep a positive tone – Discuss ideas not people.
Academic Background Undergraduate - University of the Pacific in Stockton – BA in Liberal Studies Graduate - Sac State - Masters and Administrative Credential. This is my 22nd year teaching.
Teacher Expectations I will teach your child in accordance to the Common Core State Standards. I will encourage your child to always do his/her best effort, academically and socially. I will create a positive learning environment for your child. I will be available by appointment for telephone or in-person conferences after school from 2:35 – 3:15. I will answer all emails within 1 school day of when they were sent.
Student Expectations Respect his/her classroom. Follow all classroom and school rules. Regular Attendance Always do your best effort. Be responsible and prepared. Bring all needed school supplies.
Parent Expectations Monitor you child’s homework each night. (Students write homework in their homework calendars.) Monitor and help your child study for upcoming tests. (Testing dates are posted at blogs.egusd.net/emallory under the ‘Weekly Subjects/Testing Info.’ tab.) Monitor your child’s class-work, graded tests, behavior calendar, and snack calendar. Contact the teacher if you notice any unusual changes in your child’s behavior or work. Review and sign any correspondence sent from the school. (i.e. progress reports, newsletters, etc…) Be available for any scheduled parent conferences. (Email, Phone, or In-person) Try to schedule student appointments (doctor, dentist, etc…) after school or on days off. Bring students to school on time and everyday (unless they are sick). Bring concerns directly to me, please.
Classroom Rules No talking when the teacher is talking. Raise your hand and wait to be called on if you would like a turn to speak. Do not get out of your seat without permission. No gum or candy No negative attitudes or disrespect – verbal or non-verbal. Professional Attitudes Only Respect all property Hands-off policy No spreading rumors or unkind words. Respect what makes people different and unique! (Religions, Cultural Differences, Ethnicities, Accents, Genders, etc…) Be on time in line order when the bell rings. Be safe, responsible, respectful, kind, and hardworking at all times.
Binders 5 sections (1 inch w/5 tabs) Reading / Language Arts Writing Math Social Studies Science Use binders to help your child prepare for tests. Look online @ blogs.egusd.net/emallory under the link ‘Weekly Subjects/Testing Info.’ tab for approximate testing dates.
Student Supply List Recommended List: Erasable Pens (Pilot Frixion) Mechanical pencils Headphones Mouse Mini pencil sharpeners Optional: Markers Special Scissors (left-handed)
Snack Calendar Morning Break at about 9:00 a.m. Snack calendar will be located in the front of student binders and online at blogs.egusd.net/emallory A individually wrapped snack and drink are encouraged for the whole class (24 students) approximately once every five weeks. You may opt out of the snack calendar if you prefer to send in your own snack. (Just let me know.) Healthy encouraged, but something students will eat. Any volunteers? – Thursday & Friday
Weekly Homework Assignment calendars are located in the front of student binders. Workbook homework is optional. Homework is posted online at blogs.egusd.net/emallory
Grading 90% - 100% = A 80% – 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% - D 59% and below = F Progress Reports – portal.egusd.net – 24/7
Classroom Donations Donation requests will be made online on my website as needed. Monetary donations are sometimes requested for projects.
Volunteers Phone call or a letter will be sent home when needed. Robin will be my teacher’s aide this year.
Website blogs.egusd.net/emallory or just google ‘Mr. Mallory’ Testing Timelines! Printable online resources! Improved communication! Classroom photos!
Contact Information Email: emallory@egusd.net Classroom Website: blogs.egusd.net/emallory Phone: 916-714-0106 Thank you for attending!
In case you didn’t pay attention… Subscribe to my website Google Mr. Mallory Click subscribe Buy a 1 inch binder and dividers Buy erasable pens, mechanical pencils, and a mouse for the computers.