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Presentation transcript:

Changes compared to last version ERTMS deployment overview for RFC Rhine-Alpine Update status April 2019 ERTMS only vehicles mandatory 5) ERTMS only vehicles accepted Deployment beyond 2023 Changes compared to last version Chart No. 1 20190404©update for ExB Task Force The Hague

Cross-border projects ERTMS deployment overview: State of play on border sections Cross-border projects Go Life date France Germany P 44 completed in Jan 2019. ERTMS L1 LS placing in service expected in August 2019 - ETCS equipment including P44 completed and operational for the whole network P 44 until 14 November 2017 ERTMS L1 LS + Euroloop placing in service on 25 October 2018 Luino station: P 44 in Dec 2017 ERTMS L1 LS + Euroloop, placing in service expected in 2019 - ERTMS L1 + Radio Infill placing in service expect. in 2019 - ERTMS L2 expected Dec 2021 (in commercial operation) Node of Basel (tracks under responsibility of DB Netz) 1 Weil am Rhein 1 Basel St. Johann Basel Bad. Bhf Port railway Basel SBB, Muttenz marshalling yard Switzerland (tracks under responsibility of SBB and BLS) Olten Rothrist 2 New line : Mattstetten - Rothrist 2 Brugg Mattstetten Switzerland Bern Rotkreuz Thun Iselle - Domodossola (RFI tracks operated by SBB) Erstfeld 3 Frutigen Gotthard Base Tunnel Lötschberg Base Tunnel (BLS) Brig and Visp Ranzo – Luino (RFI tracks operated by SBB) Biasca Simplon Tunnel Bodio 4 3 Iselle Domodossola Castione Premosello Ranzo Bellinzona Luino Laveno 4 Ceneri Base Tunnel 5 Arona Sesto C. Mendrisio 5 Domodossola - Novara (RFI) Borgomanero Chiasso Italy Oleggio B. Rosales Como Gallarate Busto Arsizio 6 Seregno Chiasso – Milano (RFI) Vignale Monza 6 Parabiago Novara Milan System Go Life ETCS L1 LS or FS In operation ETCS L2 In 2019 In Italy, the call for tender to equip Milano – Genoa until the end of2021 has been awarded in February 2019 ETCS L2 / SCMT Until 2022 Border stations/ system change SCMT after 2022 20190404©update for ExB Task Force The Hague Chart No. 2

Status Dutch ERTMS programme railmap 4. 0 version 6 Status Dutch ERTMS programme railmap 4.0 version 6.5 published in Sept 2018 for consultation Lines included Connection to the sea ports with ERTMS: Port of Rotterdam: Already possible via Betuweroute, after 2031 also via Brabantroute Port of Amsterdam: ATB remains necessary as Amsterdam and Utrecht Centraal are not included Port of Vlissingen: ATB remains necessary on the section Roosendaal – Vlissingen Re-routing options: In the frame of this plan, ERTMS equipment is not foreseen between Amsterdam and Hengelo and Rotterdam – Utrecht - Zevenaar 20190404©update for ExB Task Force The Hague Chart No. 3