Giraffes in year 6 Ms Leigh
Welcome Class Teacher – Miss Leigh Assistant Teacher - Mr Kennedy Aim: To be High School ready To be independent and confident young people To be keen to learn and know how they learn To be happy and successful in what they choose to do
Day to Day information PE is Monday and Friday. Earrings and jewellery to be removed. Reading books – Tuesday is our change day with Mrs Doherty. Please ensure that children are reading at home and still being heard, talking about reading. Homework – Maths and English weekly. Out Thursday back in Tuesday. Help is available on Friday and Monday Lunchtime. Extra homework is in the box. Interventions – Support and Challenge. Might be a little bit extra homework with something, please check with your child. Phones – Turned off once in school and kept in the office. Pencil cases – Children have been given anything they will need. Optional. Need to fit in their draw. Seating – Separate seats for Maths, English, Guided Reading and Topic. Changed every half term.
Maths Time tables – Please make sure they know them Arithmetic – Fluency in both mental and formal strategies. Concepts are taught all before Christmas. Daily 5 to 10 minutes Maths – Reasoning – Explaining thinking, using and applying arithmetic strategies, looking at efficiency. Areas we cover- Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication, Algebra, Data and Statistics, Shape, Measurements, Geometry, Fractions, Decimals and percentages. Lots of repeating and cycling through things again.
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation Daily for 30 minutes Built into and links with our English and Reading sessions. Recap on everything in KS2 Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Sentence types, Phrases and Clauses, Subordination, Cohesion, Relative clauses, Fronted adverbials, tenses – including perfect, subjunctive mood, standard and non standard English, levels of formality. Spelling – 2 or 3 times a week. No specific spelling homework but maybe on occasion. Encourage use of dictionary at home.
English- Reading Reading – Guided Reading takes place daily – 30 minutes. Focused sessions with Class Teacher, Follow on tasks, Independent reading and questions answering. Skill development and vocabulary understanding Please help us by hearing your child read on a regular basis and home and talking about the text with them.
English – Writing Shorter pieces and longer pieces developed over time Weekly longer writing sessions with direct feedback to pupils. Editing sessions to help them improve their work and act upon feedback. Handwriting practice daily – fluency, pace and formation. English lessons are based around a text or theme. These are in your Knowledge organiser (curriculum outline)
Topic Ancient Greece this term – 5 main Topics for the year Knowledge organisers are replacing curriculum outlines. Key questions for learning over the unit/year. Long term plan is online if you’d like to see it. Jigsaw: Me in my world RE: Hinduism
Trips Various through the year- around the locality including a trip into Longton for our Geography. December – Panto Residential – Wednesday 8th July to Friday 10th July. Edinburgh. Spring term – Amazon/Waitrose – careers and workplaces.
SATS – 11-15th may Regularly assessed and tracked through the year. Meeting closer to the time for parents. Children will be familiar with them and expectations. Revision sessions talk place from 8 weeks before. Night varies depending on the staff volunteering. (optional) We run a full program of revision before in school, including practise papers, model questions, how to answer. Pace is important as is test technique. This is all taught. No Stressing! Result early July. Met or not met – we just want them to try their best.
Finally Open door policy am/pm Email or phone Linda – Happy to call you if you cannot get in to school Deadline for High School admissions : End of October 2019