Title I Parent Orientation 2018 - 2019 Hutsell Elementary
What is Title I? Title I is a supplemental program designed to provide instructional support to students who exhibit an academic need.
Purpose of Title I To improve educational opportunities so that students will: Succeed in the regular classroom. Attain grade-level proficiency. Improve in basic, as well as more advanced skills.
Expectations and Long Term Goals Students in the Title I program will increase their academic achievement in reading and/or mathematics, and thus will improve their grades, reduce their risk of failure, build their self-esteem, and increase their likelihood of completing high school.
Who are the Title I teachers? Mrs. Desposorio Mrs. Schwartz Mr. Miller
How Do We Provide Services? Small group instruction In the Title 1 Classroom Tutorials Collaboration with the classroom teacher Science Lab
Why is Parent Involvement Important? When parents are involved in their children’s education at home, they do better in school. A home environment that encourages learning is more important to student achievement than income, education level or cultural background. Reading aloud to children is the most important activity that parents can do to increase their child’s chance of reading success
Why is Parent Involvement Important? When children and parents talk regularly about school, children perform better academically. The earlier that parent involvement begins in a child’s educational process, the more powerful the effects.
How Can Parents Get Involved? At Home: Reading to your child Checking homework for completion and understanding every night Discussing your child’s progress with teachers Limiting TV on school nights Discussing school matters with your child
How Can Parents Get Involved? In the Community: Voting in school board elections Becoming an advocate for better education
How Can Parents Get Involved? At School Eat lunch with your child Join PTA Volunteer in your child’s classroom or in the workroom Attend school functions and conferences
Positive Results . . . Improved student achievement Reduced absences Improved behavior
Parent Resources Title 1 Brochure Hutsell website Katy I.S.D. website www.katyisd.org/campus/HE/Pages/default.aspx Katy I.S.D. website www.katyisd.org www.ed.gov