The American Revolutionary Wars: Create a diorama Make sure you know About 2. Saratoga and Yorktown When and where did the wars take place? Who were the major players? (people) What were the factors that made it happen? (Give us some historical context for the war.) How and why did it end? Who won? Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it
Boston Tea Party 3D project Make sure you know about… Who Where When Why More interesting facts Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it
Statue of Liberty 3D Project, PAPER PERSON or Bottle Person Make sure you know about… Who Where When Why More interesting facts WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLETE for paper person Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it An idea on how to make the project Bottle person IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress her up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches
Spy Codes in the American Revolution 3D PROJECT PICK ONE from the 3 The Culper Code Book Clothesline Code Invisible Ink Make sure you know about… Who Where When Why How More interesting facts Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it
Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Privateer 3D Project Make sure you know John Paul Jones When and where did he fight? Who were the major players? (people) from both sides How and why did it end? Who won? Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it
King George III PAPER PERSON or Bottle Person Make sure you know about… A biography which will including Brief Biography Discuss the impact this person had on the outcome of the Revolutionary war. More interesting facts Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it An idea on how to make the project bottle person WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLATE paper person IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress him up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches
George Washington PAPER PERSON or Bottle Person Make sure you know about… A biography which will including Brief Biography Discuss the impact this person had on the outcome of the Revolutionary war More interesting facts An idea on how to make the project bottle person WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLATE for paper person Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress him up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches
Benjamin Franklin PAPER PERSON or Bottle Person Make sure you know about… A biography which will including Brief Biography Discuss the impact this person had on the outcome of the Revolutionary war. More interesting facts WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLATE for paper person An idea on how to make the project for bottle person Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress him up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches
Patriot or Loyalist PAPER PERSON or Bottle Person (pick one) Make sure you know about… A biography which will including Brief Biography Outline their leadership abilities and contributions during the time they lived or on the outcome of the Revolutionary war. More interesting facts Patrick Henry John Adams Thomas Jefferson John Hancock Paul Revere William Dawes Richard Henry Lee Alexander Hamilton An idea on how to make the project bottle person WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLATE for paper person Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress him up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches
Daughters of Liberty Bottle Person 3D Project (pick one) Make sure you know about… A biography which will including Brief Biography Discuss the impact this person had on the outcome of the Revolutionary war. More interesting facts Deborah Sampson Anne Bailey Hannah Blair Anna Smith Strong Margaret Corbin “Molly Pitcher” An idea on how to make the project WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLATE IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress her up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it
Thomas Jefferson PAPER PERSON or Bottle Person Make sure you know about… A biography which will including Brief Biography Outline their leadership abilities and contributions during the time they lived or on the outcome of the Revolutionary war. More interesting facts Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLATE An idea on how to make the project IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress him up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches
Ann Smith Strong PAPER PERSON or Bottle Person Make sure you know about… A biography which will including Brief Biography Discuss the impact this person had on the outcome of the Revolutionary war. More interesting facts WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLATE for paper person An idea on how to make the project for bottle person Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress him up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches
Marquis de la Fayette PAPER PERSON or Bottle Person Make sure you know about… A biography which will including Brief Biography Discuss the impact this person had on the outcome of the Revolutionary war. More interesting facts WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLATE for paper person An idea on how to make the project for bottle person Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress him up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches
Paul Revere PAPER PERSON or Bottle Person Make sure you know about… A biography which will including Brief Biography Discuss the impact this person had on the outcome of the Revolutionary war. More interesting facts WEBSITE FOR THE TEMPLATE for paper person An idea on how to make the project for bottle person Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it IF YOU MAKING the PAPER PERSON, Draw the template on a CARDBOARD and Dress him up. Put as many details as possible to make it pop out. Please make it not smaller than 18 inches