Control System Applications (2) Programming Logic Controllers PLCs Lect. 9 Dr. Tarek Ahmed Mahmoud
Outlines Numerical Processing Word Objects Word Format Word Types Numerical Instructions
Word Objects Word Format Word objects are addressed in the form of words of 16 bits Word Format 1 16384 +/- 8192 14 15 Bit position Bit state Bit value 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 Bit 15 at 0 is a positive value. Bit 15 at 1 the word is a negative value (negative values are expressed in two's complement logic).
Word Format (cont.) Decimal 1579 (max : 32767, min :-32768) Hexadecimal 16#A536 (max : 16#FFFF, min : 16#0000) Alternate syntax : #A536.
Word Types in NANO PLC 1- Immediate values 2- Internal words - They are used to store values during the operation. - They are stored in the data memory. - They are read or written to directly by the program. - They are used as working words. %MW0 to %MW255
Word Types in NANO PLC (cont.) 3- Constant words They store constant values Their contents can only be written or modified in the CONFIGURATION editor. - They are read-only access by the program. %KW0 to %KW64 4- Function Block Words - They are read or modified in the program. - Such as %TMi.P and %Ci.P, %Ti.v, . . . etc.
Word Types in NANO PLC (cont.) 5- System words Words have special functions related to the PLC operation %SW0 to %SW127 %SW30 Shows execution time of the last PLC scan cycle 6- I/O exchange words Words %IW and %QW are used to exchange data between PLCs.
Word Types in NANO PLC (cont.) Bit objects extracted from words % Word object : Xk k = 0 to 15 % MW5:x6 Bit position 6 of internal word %MW5.
Word Types in NANO PLC (cont.)
Numerical Instructions Numerical instructions generally apply to 16-bit words They are written - Between square brackets (instruction list) [ Instruction ] - In a rectangular (in ladder diagram). Instruction
Numerical Instructions 1- Assignment instructions These are used to load operand Op2 into operand Op1 Syntax : [Op1:=Op2] Op1 is a memory word Op2 is a memory word or an immediate value Example LD 1 [%MW10:%MW20] %MW10:= %MW20
LDR %I0.3 [%MW10:=100]
Numerical Instructions 2- Arithmetic instructions + : Add two operands - : Subtract two operands * : Multiply two operands / : Divide two operands SQRT : Square root of an operand INC : increment an operand
- Examples
Numerical Instructions 3- Comparison Instructions > : test if greater than. >= : test if greater than or equal. < : test if less than. <= : test if less than or equal. = : test if equal. <> : test if not equal (different from). The result is 1 when the comparison requested is true.
- Examples
Numerical Instructions 4- Logic instructions AND : AND (bit-wise) between two operands OR : Logic OR (bit-wise) between two operands XOR : Exclusive OR (bit-wise) between two operands NOT : Logic complement (bit-wise) of an operand
- Examples LD %M0 [%MW0 := %MW10 AND 16#FF00] LD %I0.3 [%MW102:= NOT (%MW100)] LD 1 [%MW0 := %KW5 OR %MW10]
Numerical Instructions 4- Shift instructions SHL (op2,i) logic shift of i positions to the left. SHR (op2,i) logic shift of i positions to the right.
Application Automatic Traffic Lights steps green yellow red time 15 sec. 1 4 sec. 2 12 sec. 3 3 sec.