Overview of Spring, 2014: Procedures and Expectations Welcome to English IV Overview of Spring, 2014: Procedures and Expectations
What do you need for this class? A copy of Tuesdays With Morrie You can buy it used or new. Amazon has used copies. Get for free on Wattpad app. A composition notebook (not the spiral bound one) Jump Drive Paper and pencils- preferably in a binder that is divided by subject.
What are we studying in this class? You will be reading British literature, including Beowulf, ballads, sonnets, and other literature to be announced as the semester goes on. You will be doing research and documenting it in MLA format. You will be reading and responding to Tuesdays With Morrie. There will be other assignments as time goes on. They will be announced in each unit.
Daily Expectations All work will be posted on the board by my desk. Daily bellwork is given. When the bell rings, you should be seated and working on the bellwork. You will be expected to turn in your completed work in a timely manner. Your due dates will be given to you in the following ways: given in class posted on the board posted on my website Sent on Remind 101 You will be expected to respect me and your fellow peers. Cellphones will be placed in your numbered pocket by the door. They will only be accessible if we are using them for a classroom activity.
Grading 20% Nine Weeks’ Test 40% Tests and Projects 40% Daily work and Homework
Tardies If you arrive in my room after the bell, you are considered tardy. If you are late for first block, you must bring a tardy slip. If you are more than 5 minutes late for any other block, you need to get your tardy from the office and present it to me.
Absences and Make up Work YOU are responsible for getting your make up work when you are absent. How do you get it? You can find it on my website on the calender. You can ask a friend. “We Missed You” sheet will be in a file for your class period in the front of the room. You will also sign a sheet stating the day you picked it up and write the due date on that sheet. If you miss a day, you will have to make something up. Make sure you get that work as soon as possible.
Late Work Policy Late work will be assessed a penalty depending on how late it is. You will lose 10 points a day. On the due date, you will turn in something. Either the assignment or an excuse as to why your assignment is late. Anything later than a week may or may not be considered at the teacher’s discretion with a penalty to be determined at that time.
Cell Phone Policy Cell phones will be put in the pouches on the door according to your assigned number. If you are caught with your phone during class at an unauthorized time, I will take it up and write you up for insubordination and for having your phone. Consider this your only warning.
Bathroom Procedure A hall pass is provided to you in the front of the room when permission is granted. Leaving the room is a privilege. If it is found that you are abusing this privilege, you will have to make sure you take care of your business before you come to class because you will lose that privilege. For safety purposes, if my hall pass disappears, no one will be able to go because we need to identify why people are in the hallways during classes.
Food and Drinks No fast food or drinks will be allowed in my classroom unless it is chicken biscuits sold in the commons before school. No cans are allowed in my room. All beverages must have a top. No personal glasses are allowed in my room. Allowing food and drink is a privilege and it can be revoked at any point in time if it is abused. Do not ask me for permission to go to the machine after the tardy bell. You need to take care of that before class or during the time before advisory.
Safety Information Fire or Fire Drill Tornado or Tornado Drill Earthquake Immediate Danger in the School
Office Hours Everyday after school until 3:30. By appointment.
Remind 101, Teacher Website Bookmark and Google Drive You can bookmark my website at the following address: hhs.desotocountyschools.org/weipert Google Drive: you can share your papers with me on Google Drive at the following address: mweiperthhs.gmail.com To sign up for Remind 101, text @mrsweipert to 769-307-0006
Keys to Success in English IV Come to class Do your work Turn in your work on time Don’t get behind Come and get help if you need it.