Domain-Range f(x) Notation


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Presentation transcript:

Domain-Range f(x) Notation Functions Domain-Range f(x) Notation

What is a Relation? A relation is just a set of ordered pairs. There is absolutely nothing special at all about the numbers that are in a relation. In other words, any bunch of numbers is a relation so long as these numbers come in pairs.

Domain-Range The collection of all input values is called the “Domain”. Most likely will be the x-values. The collection of all output values is called the “Range”. Most likely will be the y-values. A relation is a function if and only if each input corresponds to one output.

Identify the Domain & Range Is the relation a function?

Identify the Domain & Range Is the relation a function?

Identify the Domain & Range Is the relation a function?

≠ ╖ ± ≥ ÷ × ∞ µ ≠ ╖ ≥ ÷ × ∞ µ Make 2 Relations Function Not a Function x (or Input) y (or Output) ≠ ╖ ± ≥ ÷ × ∞ µ x (or Input) y (or Output) ≠ ╖ ≥ ÷ × ∞ µ

Vertical Line Test if a vertical line intersects the relation's graph in more than one place, then the relation is NOT a function.

Is this relation a function? Turn to your neighbor and explain why or why not.

Is this relation a function? Turn to your neighbor and explain why or why not.

Is this relation a function? Turn to your neighbor and explain why or why not.

f(x) Notation Plug in. Evaluate.

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