An Approach to Teaching at The English Academy æ ESA An Approach to Teaching at The English Academy æ
Engage Engage – Switch the students on Interest them Move them Stimulate them Challenge them Amuse them Use music, dvds, o.h.p., dramatic stories, amusing anecdotes etc… The students engage with the topic, exercise or the teaching point within a context. An engaged student learns more effectively.
Study Study – Language is the main focus How it works (function) How it is constructed (form) The information it carries (meaning) Can study a grammar point, a phonological point, a skill, a lexical item etc… Can practise something in isolation or something broader in a range of styles. Focus is on accuracy.
Activate Activate – Students use the language Students are given the opportunity to put the language into use together with other language they know. Freer practice activities where the language is used communicatively Focus is on fluency A rehearsal for the real world