Effects of reduced tillage on vertical phosphorus stratification and availability Clain Jones, Chengci Chen, Evette Allison, and Karnes Neill Montana State University Prepared for 2007 American Society of Agronomy Conference
Background Tillage has previously been found to affect available soil P levels (Selles et al. 1999) and vertical P stratification (Grant and Bailey, 1994), yet almost no studies have been conducted on calcareous soils. No research located on effects of CT and NT on P uptake (prior to 2006). Phosphorus uptake and P fertilizer needs could be affected by tillage effects on: 1. P stratification (both vertical and horizontal) 2. Temperature 3. Moisture 4. Nitrogen availability 5. Yield Differences in P stratification and uptake between CT and NT would indicate need for different P rates.
Questions 1. Are there differences in vertical stratification of available P between tilled and no-till systems in calcareous soils? 2. Is P uptake different between tillage systems? 3. Should P rates be adjusted for different tillage systems?
Materials and Methods Location: Central Ag. Research Ctr., Moccasin, Montana Existing study on tillage, cropping system (fallow, spring wheat, spring pea, winter pea forage winter wheat), and nitrogen rate (0, 45, 90, 135 kg N/ha) Tillage treatments: 9 year no-till (NTNT) 30+ year CT (CTCT) – Sweep till, 1 pass/year (Reduced T?) NT following CT (CTNT) CT following 9 year no-till (NTCT) P fertilized with the seed (2-2.5 cm deep) each year
Study Location
Photo: nris.mt.gov
Photo: C. Chen, 2007 Spring Wheat Fallow (NTNT) Spring Pea Winter Pea
Soil Sampling and Analysis Fallow soils sampled Sept. 2005 Soil increments: Every 3 cm from 0 to 30 cm Five soils composited per plot (4 replicates) Analyses: Olsen P (top 30 cm) and sequential P fractions (top 15 cm)
Sequential Extractions All in 1:30 soil:water suspensions, shaken 16 h, and centrifuged Resin-P Anion exchange resin capsule, extracted w/ 2M HCl (high availability) Bic-P 0.5 M NaHCO3, pH 8.5 (high availability) NaOH-P 0.1 M NaOH (moderate availability) HCl-P 1 M HCl (low availability)
P uptake Tissue P analyzed from winter wheat harvested in 2006 from same plots as soil sampled (90 kg N/ha treatment). Tissue P analyzed in spring pea (grain) and winter pea (forage) harvested in 2007 (0 and 90 kg N/ha in 2006).
Olsen P Distribution
Resin P Distribution
(averaged over 0-15 cm depth) P Fractions (averaged over 0-15 cm depth) b b b a
2006 Winter Wheat Aboveground P Uptake Note: Winter wheat fertilized with 10 kg P/ha
2007 Winter Pea Aboveground P Uptake WP not fertilized. Means of P uptake for 8 subplots per treatment
2007 Spring Pea Grain P Uptake SP not fertilized. Means of P uptake for 8 subplots per treatment.
Relevance of P Uptake Our results, combined with research from other recent studies (Lupwayi et al. 2006; Schwab et al. 2006), suggest that P fertilizer rates do not need to be adjusted based on tillage system.
Summary Stratification of Olsen P was greater in long-term NT than CT, yet all tillage treatments had much higher P levels near the surface. Long term NT had significantly lower 0.1 M NaOH-P than long term CT (0-15 cm depth). All other P fractions were not significantly different among tillage treatments. Aboveground P uptake was not different among tillage treatments. The results, combined with other recently published studies, suggest that P rate recommendations do not need to consider type of tillage system.
Acknowledgments This study was funded by the following: Montana Fertilizer Advisory Committee