Working Knowledge Training Lesson 6
Overview Create an Informative Table Panel Rows Columns Merge Clipboard Move Type Content Alignment Font Style Font Size Color Blink
Welcome Page 1. Open the VT3000 Welcome page – select VP IV button 2. Select Panels from the VP IV home page. 3. Select Informative Panel (Table).
Panel - Properties Select the Upload New button. Panel Name – enter a name for the panel. Refresh Interval – enter a number of seconds to refresh the panel information. 2. Select the Layout tab.
Panel - Layout 3. Select button to add or remove Rows or Columns to the table. 4. Select button to merge or unmerge cells Horizontally or Vertically.
Panel - Layout 5. Select a cell from the table. 6. Select Text from the Type field at the bottom of the page. 7. Enter the text you want to show in the cell in the Content field. 8. Select another cell on the table – the text will appear in the cell.
Panel - Layout 9. Select a cell from the table. 10. Select Image from the Type field at the bottom of the page. 11. Select the image you want to appear in the cell from the Content field. 12. Select another cell on the table – the image name will appear in the cell.
Panel - Layout 13. Select a cell from the table. 14. Select Widget from the Type field at the bottom of the page. 15. Select the widget you want to appear in the cell from the Content field. 16. Select another cell on the table – the widget name will appear in the cell.
Panel - Text 1. Select the Text cell from the table. 2. Select Left, Center, Right or Top, Center Bottom in Alignment – the text will align in the cell based on the selection. 3. Select the Bold, Italics or Underlined in Font Style – the text will appear in cell based on the selection.
Panel - Text 4. Select the Font from the Font field – the text will appear in the cell based on the selection. Testing Cell 1 – Arial Testing Cell 1 – Arial Black Testing Cell 1 – Courier New Testing Cell 1 – Lucida Sans Unicode Testing Cell 1 – Tahoma Testing Cell 1 – Times New Roman Testing Cell 1 – Veranda Testing Cell 1 – Permanent Marker 5. Enter a percentage number in the Size field – text will take up that percentage of the cell. 6. Select Back to set the background color of the cell. Select Fore to set the color of the text in the cell.
Panel - Text 7. Select Blink to blink the text, background or both in the cell. Select Back or Fore to choose the color to change to during the blinking action.
Panel – Clipboard 1. Select a cell with content – select the Copy button from Clipboard. 2. Select an empty cell in the table – select the Paste button from Clipboard. 3. The copied cell contents will appear in the selected cell.
Panel – Move 1. Select a cell with content next to an empty cell – select the left or right button from Move Horizontally. 2. The content will move from the selected cell to the cell on the left or right depending on the selection.
Panel – Move 3. Select a cell with content next to an empty cell – select the up or down button from Move Vertically. 4. The content will move from the selected cell to the cell below or above it depending on the selection. 5. Once all the cells are set up click on the Save & Exit button to save the panel. Select Discard to delete the panel create. Select Save to save the change and stay on the panel editing page.
Panel - Viewing 1. Select the Informative panel you created – select the View button. 2. A new webpage will appear showing the panel.
Summary Create an Informative Table Panel Rows – adding or removing Columns – adding or removing Merging or Unmerging cells Clipboard – copying and pasting a cell Move – move a cell left, right, up or down Type – text, image or widget Content – entering text, selecting an image or widget Alignment – selecting left, center, right, top, center or bottom of the cell Font Style – selecting bold, italics or underlined for the text in a cell Font – selecting the font for the text in a cell Size – setting how large the text will be in the cell Color – setting the background & text color of a cell Blink – setting the background & text color the cell will blink to
Practical Application Select to add an Informative Table Panel Add a Text cell to the panel Change the text type and style Change the color of the cell Select to blink a cell with text Add an Image to the cell Copy & Paste a cell Move a cell left or right Move a cell up or down Copy and Paste a cell content
Additional Information VersaCall VT3000 Wikipedia page – a manual that mirrors the software Overview Pages Panels