Spatial Energy Planning Belgrade, May 16th 2019 Michel Müller, EBP
Spatial Energy Planning Belgrade, May 16th 2019 Michel Müller, EBP
What is Spatial Energy Planning? Heat is local Focus on a municipality/region and its heat supply and demand Identify optimal strategies for the future Link local renewable heat supply with demand
What is Spatial Energy Planning? First step: Know the local heat demand
What is Spatial Energy Planning? Second step: Know potential (local) heat sources – renewable and waste heat
What is Spatial Energy Planning? Conclusion: Link heat demand with supply – design optimal strategies and identify specific opportunities and measures
Spatial Energy Planning: Local Heat Demand Density of heat demand How much heat is used where? Which customers: Residential? Industry? What temperature levels? What is the future heat demand? Crucial for rentability of district heating
Spatial Energy Planning: Local Heat Demand Existing energy infrastructure What is today’s situation of heat supply? Existing networks for district heating and gas distribution
Spatial Energy Planning: Potential Heat Supply Waste Heat Opportunity: District heating Spatial Energy Planning: Identify local sources of waste heat Are they a suitable source for district heating? What is the heat demand in their proximity
Spatial Energy Planning: Potential Heat Supply Waste Heat Opportunity: District heating Spatial Energy Planning: Identify local sources of waste heat Are they a suitable source for district heating? What is the heat demand in their proximity
Spatial Energy Planning: Potential Heat Supply Ambient Heat Opportunity: Use ambient heat for single buildings or in district heating Spatial Energy Planning: Map possible sources of ambient heat: geothermal, ground water, ambient air, rivers and lakes Identify areas where use of ambient heat is feasible
Spatial Energy Planning: Potential Heat Supply Ambient Heat Opportunity: Use ambient heat for single buildings or in district heating Spatial Energy Planning: Map possible sources of ambient heat: geothermal, ground water, ambient air, rivers and lakes Identify areas where use of ambient heat is feasible
Spatial Energy Planning: Potential Heat Supply Biomass Opportunity: Use regional potentials of biomass Spatial Energy Planning: Map potentials of biomass: wood, agricultural waste, waste water, etc. Identify optimal use: district heating, biomass fermentation/biogas plant
Spatial Energy Planning: Potential Heat Supply Biomass Opportunity: Use regional potentials of biomass Spatial Energy Planning: Map potentials of biomass: wood, agricultural waste, waste water, etc. Identify optimal use: district heating, biomass fermentation/biogas plant
Spatial Energy Planning: Potential Heat Supply Solar Energy Opportunity: Use solar energy for heat (and electricity production) Spatial Energy Planning: Identify the best suited locations for solar energy use Based on irradiation and heat demand
Spatial Energy Planning: Potential Heat Supply Solar Energy Opportunity: Use solar energy for heat (and electricity production) Spatial Energy Planning: Identify the best suited locations for solar energy use Based on irradiation and heat demand
Opportunities and Measures identified in Swiss Energy Plans
City of Bern: “Energiezentrale Forsthaus” Strategic Coordination of a City’s Heat Supply
City of Bern: “Energiezentrale Forsthaus” Strategic Coordination of a City’s Heat Supply
City of Zofingen: Heat supply from the new Hospital Coordination of a large building project with the need of a new energy source in the old town of Zofingen
Municipality of Koeniz: Heat supply for a new district Coordinating the heat supply for a newly developed district
Municipality of Riggisberg: Securing local heat supply Negotiating supply and demand for district heating in a small Swiss village
Region of Goms: Use of regional Biogas Use of local renewable resources and strengthening of the local economy in a region in the Swiss Alps
Why Spatial Energy Planning? Opportunities and benefits Identify and coordinate optimal strategies for the future heat supply Seize opportunities and identify further measures: coordinate building projects with developing energy infrastructure Improve rentability of district heating and energy infrastructure in general Create value for the local economy and increase security of supply Achieve environmental benefits: greenhouse gas emissions and pollution