Welcome to Fourth Grade Mrs. Pollack, Mrs. Akers, Mrs. Sallaz and Ms


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Presentation transcript:

2019-2020 Welcome to Fourth Grade Mrs. Pollack, Mrs. Akers, Mrs. Sallaz and Ms. Mochan

Their success is our goal this school year! WELCOME Thank you all for attending this morning. There are many things for us to discuss, so please hold your questions until the topic has been presented, or until the end of our presentation. Know that we LOVE your children and cannot express how excited we are to meet them on Wednesday. Their success is our goal this school year!

What Can I Expect This Year Academics Reading Writing Grammar Math Science Social Studies Spelling Common Core Standards Personal Development Character Values Organization Study Skills Conflict Resolution Skills Manners Responsibility Social Skills Mental Health

TESTING Subject Areas FSA Testing Reading FSA Writing Comprehension and Vocabulary At the end of each unit Spelling/Writing/Grammar Grammar quiz every Friday Building Wide Writing Prompts every month. Science, Social Studies and Math Upon completion of each chapter or unit. FSA Writing TBA FSA Reading and Math

www.engradepro.com Please check weekly to see your child’s progress. GRADING Grading Scale: 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 0-59% F Grade Percentages: Projects/Tests 35% Quizzes 25% Classwork 20% Homework 10% Participation 10% www.engradepro.com Please check weekly to see your child’s progress.

DAILY SCHEDULE Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday Friday  8:00-8:30 Morning work 8:30-10:00 Reading Block 10:00- 10:30 Math 10:30-11:20 Hebrew/PE 11:25-12:05- Math 12:10- 12:35 Lunch 12:40- 1:00 Recess 1:05-2:00- Writing Block 2:00-2:25 Read chapter book Wednesday/Thursday 8:00- 8:30 Morning Work 8:30-10:00 Reading Block 10:00-10:25 Math 10:30- 11:20 Hebrew/ PE 11:25- 12:05 Math 12:05- 12:35 Lunch 12:40- 1:00- Recess 1:05-2:00- Science Block 2:00-2:25- Read class chapter book Friday 8:00-8:30 Morning work 8:30-10:00 Reading Block 10:00- 11:00 Math 11:00- 12:05 Social Studies  12:10- 12:35 Lunch 12:40- 1:00 Recess 1:10- 1:50 Hebrew 1:50- 2:20 Read chapter books

What do you need to know?

Multiplication Preparation Multiplication Quizzes Ways to Practice Timed quizzes - weekly Practice 1 through 12 multiplication Begins second week of school Incentive Field Trip Flash Cards Partner Practice Apps on mobile devices and tablets

Dismissal Procedures If your child is going home with another parent, we MUST receive an email, or written note by 9:00 a.m. that day. The students will walk downstairs with a teacher for carpool. Per Broward County School policy students cannot be released less than 30 minutes prior to dismissal time. Please do not conference with your teacher during carpool. Send her an email, or call the school, to schedule a meeting. Dismissal is at 2:30 sharp! If you are more than 30 minutes late to pick up your child, they will be placed in aftercare. You will then be assessed an aftercare fee for that day.

CONFERENCES We send out a weekly email with information about our week in 4th grade. Please take the time to read those emails. Conferences can be conducted in person, through email, or by phone. You will hear from us at least once a month. In school conferences must be scheduled in advance. Please do not conference with your teacher during carpool. Send her an email, or call the school, to schedule a meeting.

We Practice and Preach the Following: ATTENDANCE Arrival Students are able to enter the classroom beginning 7:30 a.m. All students are expected to be at school by 8:00 am. Arrivals after 8:05 are marked tardy Excessive tardiness will be reported to Mrs. Miller. Five tardy arrivals in a quarter will become a discipline referral as stated in the Broward County Attendance Policy. Curriculum begins at 8:00 sharp. If your child is late, they will fall behind during morning classwork. Absences Must be reported ASAP. A written note or phone call to the school by a parent/guardian will be acceptable to mark your child excused. Religious Holidays Must be reported in advance to the school to be considered an excused absence. Notes or e-mails are acceptable Only certain days are considered excused absences. We Practice and Preach the Following: Early Is on Time On Time Is Late! Late is Unthinkable

New Online Payment System Online Store Direct Link https://www.bengamla-charter.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=413826&type=d Link located under “Quick Links” You can no longer send cash or check into school to pay for things. You can ONLY pay online using our Online Store. Lunch money can still be sent in with the form. Please send cash or check made out to Ben Gamla Charter School. Dress down cannot be paid weekly. You now can only pay for dress down monthly. When you order online, your child will receive your purchase in school. Please be patient! It will take time to pass out the purchases as we begin a new year. Field Trips and Field Trip Shirts will be paid for online. If you pay for a shirt the day of the field trip, you will not receive your shirt that day! This means your child will be left behind and will not be permitted to board the bus!

Lunch Requirements NSP (National School Lunch Program) Rules Students who forget lunch at home cannot receive lunch from the cafeteria that day. You must drop off the lunch. Food cannot be picked up from a restaurant, and dropped off for your child in that bag/wrapper. Example: you cannot pick up McDonalds, Subway, or Starbucks and drop it off in that bag/wrapper for your child. Your child may not walk into the school with a bag of food or drink from restaurants such as Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks.

DRESS CODE Children MUST be in uniform every day. If your child is inappropriately dressed, they will not be allowed in the classroom, and must sit downstairs until you come to school and provide appropriate clothing. Wednesday’s are Spirit Days. Ben Gamla spirit t-shirt and uniform bottom. You must purchase a 4th Grade Field Trip shirt to attend a field trip. This shirt can be worn on Wednesdays. Dress down Friday’s You can pay for dress down using our Online Store on the Ben Gamla Website. The cost is $8 per month. You must pay for an entire month when paying online. You can no longer pay weekly. No tank tops or short shorts Physical Education You may purchase a PE uniform, but it is not required. This can only be worn on days our class attends PE.

Uniform Policy We have a new uniform policy that will be enforced immediately this year. Second Violation Second warning marked on form and sent home Parent will need to bring appropriate clothes. Privilege will be taken (ex: Recess) Ms. Rosenstein notified Parent contacted Third Violation Third violation documented on the form and sent home. Discipline referral will be written. Ms. Rosenstein notified Parent contacted First Violation Warning marked on form and sent home Ms. Rosenstein notified Parent contacted

VOLUNTEER HOURS You must complete your 30 volunteer hours before the last day of school. We will be keeping track of these hours to the best of our ability, but we need your help as well Academic Enhancements: Enhancement items must have a receipt to receive volunteer hours. No used books. Assisting at home: Speak to your child's teacher for ways to help from home. Wednesday’s: Volunteers are needed every Wednesday throughout the school year to assist with Wednesday Folders. Send an email to volunteerhours@bengamlacharter.org for assistance with your hours.

Fourth Grade’s Online Websites

Behavior Management Class Dojo www.classdojo.com Online access for teacher, student and parents. Students receive and lose points daily based on their participation and progress every day. Ending a week with positive points will earn rewards. Ending a day with negative points will earn a consequence. www.classdojo.com

IXL www.ixl.com Assignments for each chapter Mastery at 80% Entered into Engrade as a homework grade List with due dates on classroom webpage Will be provided with username and password

THINK CENTRAL www.thinkcentral.com Will be provided with username and password. It may change from last year. Journeys, Go Math textbooks, and other online activities available. The new science textbook will be available on another website. TBA.

Accelerated Reader Students will take weekly quizzes on chapter books they read for a quiz grade. Students a quiz due every Monday. Every student should have read a chapter book over the summer. They will be expected to take an AR quiz the day the enter the classroom.

Now it’s your turn! Any Questions?

Thank you for coming!  Don’t forget to visit your child’s classroom, sign in and turn in your signed forms before leaving.