Compensation of Detector Solenoid Coherent Orbit Correction


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Presentation transcript:

Compensation of Detector Solenoid Coherent Orbit Correction G.H. Wei, V.S. Morozov, Fanglei Lin JLEIC Collaboration Meeting Spring, 2016 F. Lin

Contents Scenarios of coherent orbit correction

JLEIC and Detector Solenoids Length 4 m Strength < 3 T Crossing Angle 50 mrad

JLEIC coherent orbit correction A solution: Solenoid + Quads(normal+skew) + Anti-Solenoid Quads(normal+skew) e-ring Ion ring IP : Orbit corrector 4

Scenarios of coherent orbit correction A solution: Solenoid + Quads(normal+skew) + Anti-Solenoid Quads(normal+skew) 3 Correctors 4 correctors phase scenario: -pi, -pi/2, pi/2, pi Modified phase scenario IP : Orbit corrector 5

Scenarios of coherent orbit correction 3 Correctors Pro: Local control of coherent orbit Cons: 1. dy is not 0 at IP. Considering dy of 0.3 mrad, & rms bunch length of 2 cm, an offset is 6 µm for the head & tail. 2. Strength of the 2nd corrector is 2.0 mrad. Considering 0.2 m length and rigidity of 200 T.m, strength is 2 T.

Scenarios of coherent orbit correction 4 Correctors Pro: Local control of coherent orbit; Small effect on dispersion Cons: Strength of the 3rd corrector is 1.6 mrad. Considering 0.2 m length and rigidity of 200 T.m, strength is 1.6 T.

Scenarios of coherent orbit correction 4 Correctors Pro: Local control of coherent orbit; Small effect on dispersion Cons: Strength of the 3rd corrector is 1.6 mrad. Considering 0.2 m length and rigidity of 200 T.m, strength is 1.6 T.

Scenarios of coherent orbit correction phase scenario: -pi, -pi/2, pi/2, pi Pro: Kick angle of downstream corrector is < 0.1 mrad Cons: Effect on dispersion; Strength of upstream correctors are 3.5 mrad. Considering 0.2 m length and rigidity of 200 T.m, strength is 3.5 T.

Scenarios of coherent orbit correction phase scenario: -pi, -pi/2, pi/2, pi Pro: Local control of coherent orbit; Small effect on dispersion Cons: Effect on dispersion; Strength of upstream correctors are 3.5 mrad. Considering 0.2 m length and rigidity of 200 T.m, strength is 3.5 T.

Scenarios of coherent orbit correction Modified phase scenario Pro: Kick angle of downstream corrector is < 0.1 mrad; Kick angle of the upstream correctors are 0.26 mrad. Considering 0.2 m length and rigidity of 200 T.m, strength is 0.26 T. Cons: Effect on dispersion;

Scenarios of coherent orbit correction Modified phase scenario Pro: Kick angle of downstream corrector is < 0.1 mrad; Kick angle of the upstream correctors are 0.26 mrad. Considering 0.2 m length and rigidity of 200 T.m, strength is 0.26 T. Cons: Effect on dispersion;

Summary Scenarios No offset on FFQ dy=0 Max_Kick mrad Effect on dispersion 3 correctors Y N 2 - 4 correctors 1.6 < 0.05 m phase 3.5 < 0.4 m Mod_phase 0.26

Thank you F. Lin