WORKING GROUP MEETING - INTEGRATION OF STATISTICAL AND GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION A reusable WebGIS application and a geospatial database schema for EU country comparisons Grant agreement number – 08143.2016.001-2016.414 Action: MERGING STATISTICS AND GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION IN MEMBER STATES Pina G. Ticca and Anna Pia Mirto Istat – Italy, 17 April 2018 - Luxembourg
The web gis application Summary The web gis application Grant Project UE Coast: the web GIS application Objective, methodology and technical functionalities Future development: re-use of experiences for the integration and lessons learnt
Istat organisation Grant Objective Istat GRANT The project rises from the collaboration between different Italian National Statistical Institute (Istat) Departments: Regional office for Sicily and Territorial and IT Directorate that have participated to a EU Grant launched in 2016 on “Merging statistics and geospatial information”. Grant Objective Implementation of innovative visualization systems to develop a model for integrating statistical and geographical information on EU coastal countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and, in a second step, enlarging the prototype to all the European countries.
Four interactive independent MAP panels UE Coast: the web GIS application Four interactive independent MAP panels Thematic Geographical Historical comparability
Sources and Methodologies Istat GRANT Gistat templates Application is based on Gistat, Istat Geographic Information System for Statistics. it is composed up to 4 interactive independent map panels. Sources and Methodologies Geographical data are referred to NUTS 2 and 3 level, coastal areas according to the availability of time series concern different thematic areas: tourism, environment, transportation, population, economic growth, social inclusion and education, indicators are selected by DB Region and Census Hub Eurostat Databases.
4. Development of prototype Steps 1.Dominia definition Territorial area, thematisms and temporal reference 2. Selection of sources Selection and calculation of Indicators 3. Map creation Structure and functionality application 4. Development of prototype 5. Project extension Litteracy and dissemination of the project
SUSTAINIBLE DEVELOPMNET Key indicators belonging to UE Coast Med thematic areas according to EU Policies COHESION POLICY Environment, Transportation, Poverty, Labour Market EUROPE 2020 Labour Market, Education, Poverty, Economical Account SUSTAINIBLE DEVELOPMNET Environment, Labour Market, Education, Poverty MARITIME POLICIES Demography, Tourism, Transportation, Labour Market
THEMATIC AREA INDICATORS YEARS GEOGRAPHICAL AREA EUROSTAT SOURCE Tourism Net Occupancy Rate of Bedrooms (%) Night spents per 1.000 residents Arrivals per 1.000 residents Receptive accommodations 2012-2013-2014-2015 2008-2013-2014-2015 2008-2013-2014-2015 NUTS 2 Db Regio – Tourism Transportation Air transport of passengers – Departures Air transport of passengers – Arrivals Passenger cars per 1.000 inhabitants Maritime transport of passenger per 1.000 in. – Departures Maritime transport of passengers per 1.000 in. – Arrivals 2008-2012-2013-2014 Db Regio – Transport Environment Soil erosion by water (tonnes per hectare) Waste generated per capita (kg per inhabitants) 2000-2010 NUTS 3 DB Regio –Environment and Energy Education and Labour Young people neither in employment nor in education and training (%) Employment rates from 15 to 64 years Unemployment rates 15 years or over 2013-2014-2015-2016 2008-2014-2015-2016 DB Regio – Labour Market and Education Social Inclusion Medics per hundred thousand inhabitants Available beds in hospitals per hundred thousand inhabitants People at risk of poverty or social exclusion (%) 2008-2012-2013-2014 DB Regio – Health care resources, Income and living condition Economic Development Gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices Local units DB Regio – Economic account, SBS Population Proportion of population aged 65 years and more Proportion of population less than 15 years Proportion of buildings since 2001 Proportion of foreign people 2008-2014-2015-2016 2011 2011 Census Hub
Types of metadata represented on EU Coast application General Metadata Thematic Area Survey main characteristics of EU country system Legislative reference: Directive and Regulation Link to EUROSTAT site Indicator Metadata Defintion Unit of measure Geographical Metadata for every cell Alert e notes: provisional, estimated,... Territorial area NUTS_ID Link to Meta information Representation Metadata Classification system Legenda
UE Coast: the web GIS application - Based on GISTAT, Istat GIS for statistics - GIS ETL procedures to transform and harmonize the data - A GeoData model to publish WebMapServices optimized to be consumed by WebGIS apps - A metadata template site used and customized to provide documentation information - Localization to English implemented
UE Coast: the web GIS application Example of users Navigation and Interaction the users can interact with the application choosing the statistical indicators, the year of reference and the territorial level of analysis GIS tools such as pan, zoom, objects click,…available
The re-use of experiences for the integration - Statistical data chosen are serialised in years and the GDB schema is based on that time units - In the GDB geographical entities are defined and stored by year - The relationships to the blocks of indicators are based on the yearly keys of statistical data
The re-use of experiences for the integration - The reuse of experiences, data models, web apps templates has been promoted to reduce the preparation and the maintenance steps - The reuse of a data model designed to link statistical and geographic data - The data model is suitable to design and publish WebMapServices optimized to be consumed by WebGIS applications - The reuse of WebGIS applications templates oriented to the dissemination of georeferenced statistical information
CRITICAL ISSUES Indicator selection: according to qualitative criteria, time, coverage, available metadata, EU relevance. Class breakdown: statistical criteria chosen on the basis of frequency distribution (Natural break, Standard Deviation, Quantile, Equal Interval, Defined and Geometric Interval Coastal areas according to different NUTS classifications
Future perspectives: re-usability Within the same country (by NUTS and LAU) With other thematic data (for ex. Census on PA and non profit institutions) Comparison by 2,3, 4 areas with/without benchmark …… Project reusability
GRANT: opportunities and lessons learnt Functionality The success in setup a re-usable geospatial workflow for Istat (less time, more functions,…) Human resources Team integration of statistical researchers and GIS people inside Istat Training for sharing knowledge and re-usability Database Updating time series and territories has been a re-use
Thanks for your attention References Poster ” Gistat-ConfrontaCoste. Un’applicazione GIS per le coste dei Paesi UE”, XII Conferenza nazionale di statistica “Più forza ai dati: un valore per il paese”, Roma, june 2016, Poster “Integrating statistical and geospatial information for EU coastal Mediterranean countries”, European Forum for Geography and Statistics (EFGS 2017), Dublino, november 2017, Paper “The Experience of reusing WebGIS application templates applied to the integration of statistical and geospatial information”, UNECE/UN-GGIM Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards, Stoccolma, november 2917, Dissemination of prototype UE Coast Istat website,, february 2018. Thanks for your attention