Teacher Certification outside nova scotia An introduction to Teacher Certification outside nova scotia
Certification basics Teacher certification is based on the jurisdiction where your teacher training occurs Transfer from province to province and territory is guaranteed by federal interprovincial trade agreements Nova Scotia certification is generally judged to be among the strongest in Canada and North America
Supply/substitute teaching Hiring of supply or substitute teachers is done predominantly by individual school boards although Nunavut is an exception. Each board has its own process. Consult individual websites for more information. In districts where there is an oversupply of teachers, substitute lists may only be open for brief windows of time.
Statement of professional standing Applying for a Statement of Professional Standing Statements of Professional Standing are issued by provincial authorities. They can cover both teaching qualifications and teaching experience. The NS application form can be found at https://certification.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/documents/Teacher_Certification_Statement_Prof_Standing_2015.pdf Destination is the Department of Education where you are applying for licensing. The fee is $33.15 per statement.
Alberta Certification Step 1 – Applying for a license Alberta licenses are granted by the province The application process can be found at https://www.alberta.ca/teacher-certification.aspx The fee is $225.00 Required documents will include birth certificate, criminal record check, official transcripts, and statement of professional standing.
Alberta Certification Step 2 – Applying for a license level (TQS) License levels are determined by a branch of the Alberta Teachers Association The application process can be found at https://www.teachers.ab.ca/TheTeachingProfession/TeacherQualificationsService/Pages/index.aspx The fee is $75.00 Required documents will include birth certificate, official transcripts, and evidence of Alberta license.
British Columbia Certification Certification in BC is done by the Department of Education alone. The process and forms are found here: https://www.bcteacherregulation.ca/Teacher/AppFromOutsideBC.aspx The fee is $245.00 plus an annual fee of $80.00 to maintain your license. Required documents include transcripts, CRC, statement(s) of professional standing, and character references.
Manitoba Certification Certification in Manitoba is done by the Department of Education alone. The process and forms are found here: http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/profcert/certificates/outapprov.html The fee is $150.00. Required documents include transcripts, CRC, Manitoba Child Abuse Registry Check, statement(s) of professional standing, and copies of NS license and birth certificate.
Newfoundland & labrador Certification Certification in Newfoundland is done by the Department of Education alone. The process and forms are found here: http://www.ed.gov.nl.ca/edu/k12/teaching/certification.html The fee is $115.00. Required documents include transcripts, CRC, statement(s) of professional standing, and copy of your birth certificate.
New Brunswick Certification Certification in New Brunswick is done by the Department of Education alone. The process and forms are found here: http://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/services/services_renderer.599.Teacher_Certification.html#serviceDescription The fee is $120.00. Required documents include transcripts, CRC, and statement(s) of professional standing.
Northwest territories Certification Certification in the Northwest Territories is done by a committee of the Teachers Association and the Department of Education. The process and forms are found here: https://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/en/services/resources-current-teachers/teacher-qualification-and-certification The fee is $85.00. Required documents include transcripts, CRC, statement(s) of professional standing, and copies of birth certificate and NS license.
nunavut Certification Certification in Nunavut is done by a committee of the Department of Education. An application for certification cannot be made until after a position has been granted. Requirements will include transcripts, CRC, statement(s) of professional standing, and copies of birth certificate and NS license.
Ontario Certification Certification in Ontario is done by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT). The process and forms are found here: http://www.oct.ca/becoming-a-teacher/requirements/canadian-certified-teachers The fee is $362.00 plus an annual membership fee of $150.00. Required documents include transcripts, CRC, statement(s) of professional standing, and copies of birth certificate and NS license.
Prince edward island Certification Certification in PEI is done by the Department of Education. The process and forms are found here: http://www.gov.pe.ca/eecd/index.php3?number=1027691 The fee is $125.00. Required documents include transcripts, CRC, statement(s) of professional standing, and copies of birth certificate, social insurance number, and NS license.
Quebec Certification Certification in Quebec is done by the Department of Education. The process and forms are found here: http://www.education.gouv.qc.ca/en/teachers/teaching-in-quebec/teaching-authorizations/application-for-a-teaching-licence/ Required documents include transcripts, CRC, statement(s) of professional standing, and certified copies of birth certificate and NS license.
Saskatchewan Certification Certification in Saskatchewan is done by the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board. The process and forms are found here: http://www.sptrb.ca/web/SPTRB/Certification_and_Registration/Certification/SPTRB/Certification_and_Registration/Certification.aspx?hkey=6b376901-39b5-42db-8a5f-17ca75158320 The fee is $210.00. Required documents include transcripts, CRC, statement(s) of professional standing, and copies of birth certificate and NS license.
yukon Certification Certification in the Yukon is done by the Department of Education. The process and forms are found here: http://www.education.gov.yk.ca/teacher-certification.html Required documents include transcripts, CRC, statement(s) of professional standing, and copies of birth certificate, evaluations, and confidential references.
international Certification Certification in the United States is done by individual state Education departments. To find the process for the state you are considering, search for (State Name) Teacher Certification Required documents will include transcripts, statement(s) of professional standing, and copy of birth certificate, verification of eligibility to work in the United States, and other individual requirements by state.
international Certification To teach for a hiring agency or international school, no additional certification is required for the initial two years. If a permanent visa is sought, then certification must be completed in the host country. If you are teaching in a school using another Canadian curriculum, you may need to be certified in that province.