Environment in Cohesion Policy framework for 2014-2020 4 September 2013 1 1
Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 Objectives of cohesion policy: strengthen the EU’s economic, social and territorial cohesion Alignment with ‘Europe 2020’ and its focus on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Increased thematic focus & performance orientation 2 2
A fair system for all EU regions (eligibility simulation) GDP/capita* < 75 % of EU average 75-90 % > 90 % *index EU27=100 3 categories of regions Less developed regions Transition regions More developed regions 3 3
Proposed legislative package 2014-2020 Common provisions regulation (CPR) on: - the European Regional Development Fund, - the European Social Fund, - the Cohesion Fund, - the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and - the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 4 4
The Common Strategic Framework (CSF) Annex to CPR (Common provisions regulation) – therefore binding Link to Europe 2020 and European semester Integrated use of the ESI Funds (European Structural and Investment Funds) Provides more detail on how to promote integration and coordination between the ESI Funds and with other Union instruments and policies Horizontal principles and cross-cutting policy objectives Key territorial challenges Cooperation To be considered during the programming process and reflected in the PA and programmes - provides more detail on many of the requirements set out in the CPR 5 5
A menu of 11 thematic objectives Research & innovation Information and communication technologies (ICT) Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Shift towards a low-carbon economy Climate change adaptation & risk prevention and management Environmental protection & resource efficiency Sustainable transport & removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures Employment & supporting labour mobility Social inclusion & combating poverty Education, skills & lifelong learning Institutional capacity building & efficient public administrations Translated into investment priorities set out in the Fund-specific rules A menu of 11 thematic objectives Among them, 3 focus on sustainable growth. 6 6
Partnership Agreement An overarching strategy at national level which: Covers the 5 European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds In line with the CSF (Common Strategic Framework) sets out the planned use of the Funds consistent with the Europe 2020 strategy taking account of territorial challenges coordinated to ensure an integrated approach Core elements: strategic choices: selected thematic objectives, allocations, main results list of programmes coordination between Funds and with other policies commitments on administrative capacity and reduction of administrative burden 7 7
Operational programme The main role of the operational programme is to set out a coherent intervention strategy for the territory/sectors Core elements: Selection of thematic objectives, investment priorities, allocations and justification – intervention logic Financing plan and list of major projects Integrated approach to territorial development; specific needs and demographic challenges Ex ante conditionalities Performance framework Short, concise programmes with a clear focus on results. Main platform for ex ante conditionalities. 8 8
Concentration of ERDF investments Thematic concentration to maximise impact Concentration of ERDF investments TO1 Research & innovation TO3 Competitiveness of SMEs TO4 Shift towards a low-carbon economy 10-12% 20-22% - The Commission proposal for thematic concentration for the ERDF focuses on the fields that will give Europe an economic and ecological future: Research, innovation, SME competitiveness and mastering the energy challenges without destroying our planet - According to the negotiations in the trilogues, the EP and the Council agreed to open thematic concentration to a fourth thematic objective relating to ICT. There is now a need to find a solution to the share of ERDF resources that has to be dedicated to thematic objective 4 (support to the low-carbon economy). NOTA BENE: - in more developed regions, 80% of the ERDF resources need to be dedicated to thematic concentration (including the share of ERDF resources to devote to TO4: 20%-22%) - in transition regions, 60 % of the ERDF resources need to be dedicated to thematic concentration (including the share of ERDF resources to devote to TO4: 15%- 20%) - in less developed regions, 50 % of the ERDF resources need to be dedicated to thematic concentration (including the share of ERDF resources to devote to TO4: 10 %- 12%) More developed & transitional regions Less developed regions Transition regions: 60 % concentration (incl. 15%- 20% for energy/renewables) 9 Flexibility – different regions have different needs Special arrangements for ex-convergence regions 9
Investment priorities relating to environment – water (Art Investment priorities relating to environment – water (Art.5(6) ERDF and Art. 3(c) CF) 10 10
Investment priorities relating to environment (Art.5(6) ERDF) ERDF only: conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage promoting innovative technologies to improve environmental protection and resource efficiency in the waste sector, water sector, soil protection or to reduce air pollution;" supporting industrial transition towards a resource-efficient economy, […] promoting green growth, eco-innovation and environmental performance management in the public and private sectors NOTA BENE: The second investment priority (6f) should be understood as supporting applied research to develop technological innovations in the field of the environmental protection, which are not covered by thematic objectives 1 and 4 (Art. 5(1) and 5(4) of the ERDF Regulation). It might cover for example investments in the field of water and waste treatment. The third one (6g) should be understood as supporting an efficient use of natural resources in the private and public sector. It might cover for example investments such as innovative systems of waste selecting and recycling, rainwater recovery ect. Advertising campaigns and environmental audits in this field could also fall under the scope of this investment priority. 11 11
Thank you for your attention! 12