Mauryan Empire 326-184 BCE Persian & Greek rule in NW 50 mil, large military, bureaucracy, short-lived United by: Chandragupta Maurya Ashoka (Maurya’s grandson) Rock edicts (Recorded his ideas) Converted to Buddhism enlightened Empire falls apart after his death Greek-influenced Buddha
No empires until the Gupta Empire 320-550 CE Similar to W. Europe after fall of Rome No major imperial/regional rule Trade Textiles, spices Math, science, astronomy Hinduism & Buddhism
Gupta Empire 320 CE-550 CE Chandra Gupta Smaller than Mauryan Empire Forged alliances with powerful families in Ganges River valley Smaller than Mauryan Empire Ashoka-more hands-on; Gupta-let local gov’ts rule Invaded by White Huns in NW Weakened Gupta Empire Only an empire in name Mostly regional kingdoms until Mughal Empire in 16th cen.