June Work Session June 10, 2019 6:00 PM Final Budget June Work Session June 10, 2019 6:00 PM
2019-2020 FINAL BUDGET LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
2019-2020 Final Budget Revenues $33,423,692 Expenses $33,588,105 To/(From) Fund Balance ($164,413) Savings for Future MS/HS ($152,367) Priorities ($100,000) Proposed Final Budget ($416,780) LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
2019-2020 Revenues Local Revenues State Revenues Federal Revenues .3581 Millage Increase All Other local revenue based on 3-year trend State Revenues BEF and SEF Budget – Flat Funded Governor Wolf’s Proposed Budget, LASD will see $98,667 increase All other funding based on calculation Federal Revenues Budget – 7% Decrease in Funding Title I, Title II, Title IV Removed Perkins Funding ($17,405 for FY19) $457,563 in additional revenue $152,367 goes to savings for new MS $305,196 for contractual increases, less Federal $$, state mandates (PSERS, cyber school) 2.75 support staff, 2.5 Act 93, 2.9 teachers. LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
Homestead/Farmstead Credit Year Assessed Exclusion Per Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion Tax Per Eligible Homestead/Farmstead Total LASD Homestead/Farmstead 2019-2020 $17,466 $214.74 $896,075 2018-2019 $17,964 $220.86 $900,074 2017-2018 $18,893 $218.74 $897,480 2016-2017 $19,459 $220.87 $902,819 2015-2016 $20,568 $222.10 $900,896 LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
Act 1 Increase of 3% Mills @ 12.2946 Assumed Collection Rate of 96.5% Collected Mill Value of $1,278,111 $36 increase on $100,000 home $78 increase on $218,776 home LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
Other Financing Sources $120,000 Revenue Source Amount Local $20,264,117 State $12,706,489 Federal $333,086 Other Financing Sources $120,000 Total $33,423,692 LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
Federal Dollars – Loss Perkins funding of $17,000 LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
Budget ($33,840,472) divided into Functions, or departments, of expense 64% of budget is instruction LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
Budget ($ 33,840,472) divided into Objects, or subjects, of expense LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
District’s Priorities Priority Expense Admin Restructure $100,000 District’s Priorities LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget
Café Budget Recommendation to not increase lunch prices Elementary - $2.75 Secondary - $2.90 LEAs are not required to use the Price Lunch Equity Tool for FY19-20 Healthy, Hunger-Free kids act 2011 Why no increase? Prices are high compared to other Adams County School Districts. Focusing on a la carte prices. LASD – Final Budget
2019-2020 Final Budget The 2019-2020 budget is the start of a long-term financial commitment to improve the middle and high school buildings, while keeping taxes at or below the adjusted school Act 1 Index. This will require a focus on efficiencies and minimizing costs for the next 3 to 6 years. LASD - FY2019-2020 Final Budget