Personal presentation Mabari Clement Lebamang Ministry of Tourism Environment and Culture IPROMO Landscape approach for enhancing mountain resilience Pieve Tesino /Ormea 02-18 July 2019
Employment and main activities Education Diploma in Forestry and Natural Resource Management (Lesotho Agricultural College) Bachelors of Science in Agriculture (National University of Lesotho) Employment and main activities Senior Range Ecologist MP Focal point Lesotho Conduct Ecosystem Survey and Monitoring Focal Point of Biodiversity and Protected Area Working Group
Other interests (volunteer work, hobbies etc.) Working with Local Communities especially associations help them to develop their constitution Soccer
Presentation of a project you are working on 1/3 Wetlands especially Peat they function as carbon sink however depletion of wetlands turns them into carbon source, We received fund from GIZ to do wetland rehabilitation Project (gully rehabiliation, ditch plug, community learning exchange) Monitoring wetland to ensure its full protection, monitoring crowned crane
Presentation of a project you are working on 2/3 Bearded Vulture Program Bearded Vulture Task Force (Bilateral) Bearded Vulture Breeding Program Bearded Vulture Monitoring
Presentation of a project you are working on 3/3 Fire Management Program Fire Management Plan (Bilateral Program) between Sehlabathebe National Park and uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park = (Maloti Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site) MDP WHS Implementation of Fire Management Plan
Thank for your attention!