The Eternal Story of Redemption Chapter 10 Page 88
IT IS FINISHED Topic One: Barabbas and you Chapter 10 Topic One: Barabbas and you Question: If we were to compare ourselves to Barabbas, what do we have in common with him?
IT IS FINISHED Topic Two: It is Finished Chapter 10 Topic Two: It is Finished Question: If someone asked, “What are the worst things you have ever done?”, it would be too humiliating to list. Instead, list below the sins that plague humanity in general. Pornography, drugs, hate…
IT IS FINISHED Topic Two: It is Finished Chapter 10 Topic Two: It is Finished Question: Read Isaiah 53:5. At the moment of the crucifixion, what did God do with your sins? Your sins and the sins of the entire world. When you think about what He did, what are your thoughts and feelings? *Hint: Transgressions and iniquities are words that mean “sin.”
IT IS FINISHED Topic Two: It is Finished Chapter 10 Topic Two: It is Finished Question: Why did Jesus say, “It is Finished”? How does that phrase impact your life?
IT IS FINISHED Topic Three: Access to God Chapter 10 Topic Three: Access to God Question: Why was there a Curtain separating people from entering into the Most Holy Place? What did the Curtain remind the people of? Question: Why was the Curtain torn from top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross?
IT IS FINISHED Chapter 10 Watch:
IT IS FINISHED Memorize this: Chapter 10 Memorize this: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23