Year 9 FAT DUCK Folio Name: Class: In this folio you will have displayed your semesters work Sensory words Presentation of cooking Techniques you have used Scientific experiments Evaluation Additional information you have learnt or experimented with food and sustainability Name: Class:
Create a sensory word list
Create a collage of what you have cooked this semester
Techniques you have used Choose 1 technique or process and show photo steps and explanations.
scientific experiments Balloon experiment: add video/photos answer question on honey comb on weebly
Add evaluation table Term 1
Evaluation 2 List 4 words to describe the following P/M/I Aroma Texture Taste appearance P/M/I Add a picture Explain what skills you learnt/ improved today? What improvements could you have made during the practical lesson and to the finish the dish? Make 2 comments about the appearance or taste of your dish? Explain a different way you could have platted up your dish?
Evaluation 3 Add 10 photos of the most important steps / process of how you created the recipe. 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 6 9 8
Evaluation 5 – peer observation Give the following a score out of 5 Appearance Aroma Texture Flavor Does this foo product stimulate appeal to your senses Rate the product as a whole Made one suggestion for improvement Add photo
Additional information you have learnt or experimented with food and sustainability eg: other class, home cooking
Additional work: Australians guide to heathy eating www. eatforhealth Additional work: Australians guide to heathy eating Add a picture that visually represents the proportion of the five food groups recommended for consumption each day. - List the 5 Food Groups that we should eat out of -Explain how healthy eating and disease prevention are linked? - What are Preservatives and why are they in food -What does organic mean ?