Aeronautical Meteorological Personnel and the WMO Global Campus WMO Global Campus meeting Geneva, 29 & 30 November 2018
A short history 2012: national meteorological services providing services to aviation must have implemented a Quality Management System 2013: national meteorological services providing services to aviation must comply with Competency Standards for Aeronautical Meteorological Observers (AMO ) & Forecasters (AMF) 2013: WMO Global Campus introduced at WMO Symposium on ET (SYMET) in France 2016: all AMFs must have completed the "BIP-M" training programme, taking into account conditions A to C of the Second Level Competencies (AMF only) 2017: WMOLearn Events Calendar became fully live 2018: publication of WMO-No.1205 “Guide to Competency”
“Aviation Meteorological services” is one of the WMO High Priority Areas (the others are the Global Framework for Climate Services, Disaster risk reduction, WMO Integrated Global Observing System, Polar and high- mountain regions, Capacity development and governance)
The Regulatory environment: ICAO Annex 3 International Standards & Recommended Practices, July 2018, part 2.1.5 Each Contracting State shall: “ensure that the designated meteorological authority complies with the requirements of the WMO in respect of qualifications, competencies, education and training of meteorological personnel providing service for international air navigation.”
Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49) Volume I Annex 3 then refers to WMO Tech Regulations: Part V: Qualifications & Competencies of Personnel Involved in the Provision of Meteorological Services (including aviation) Part VI: Education and Training of Meteorological Personnel Appendix A: Basic Instruction Packages Implementation Guidance on Competencies: (Regulatory and Reference material) will be published in a companion to WMO-No.1205 Guide to Competency
WMO Guide to Competency (2018) Defines competency Shows how to build a competency framework Explains how to implement the framework, including adaptation of standards, assessment, competency-based training, H-R issues and documentation Competency-based training provides a fertile area in which the WMO Global Campus can support Members
WMO Guide to Competency Examples of learning solutions (from Fig 17) Most of the modes (at right) could be enabled or enhanced by the WMO Global Campus! Greater collaboration between training institutions would increase the available choices of learning solution for everyone. WMO-No.1114 “Guidelines for Trainers in Meteorological, Hydrological & Climate Services” will also help.
Training Mapping Database for AMP The WMO Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (CAeM) Expert Team on Education, Training & Competencies several years ago developed a database of resources: Competency Training Mapping Database The WMO Global Campus provides a great opportunity to update and extend this database, and make it available to a wider community of users.
WMO-No.1083 Guide to Implementation of Education and Training Standards in Meteorology and Hydrology, Vol 1 Specifies the: Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP- M), and Basic Instruction Package for Meteorological Technicians (BIP-MT) parts 3.3 & 3.4: Besides the basic requirement to successfully complete foundation topics and topics in atmospheric sciences (for AMF) or general meteorology (for AMO), individuals wishing to specialise may also study in greater depth such subjects as aeronautical meteorology (AMF) or specialised observations and measurements, data quality control etc (AMO)
The Benefit of the WMO Global Campus Active participation in the WMO Global Campus would increase efficiency and minimise the burden of training on your organization’s personnel and resources. Contributions may be made to the WMO Global Campus calendar and the catalogue. This applies to all types of personnel, not only Aeronautical Meteorological Personnel.
Resources WMO Global Campus WMOLearn – a Global Campus resource WMO-CAeM website for education, training and competency: Competency Training Mapping Database for AMP WMO-No.49 Vol 1 General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices (Part V and Appendix A) WMO-No.1083 Guide to Implementation of Education and Training Standards in Meteorology & Hydrology, vol I WMO-No.1114 Guidelines for Trainers in Meteorological, Hydrological & Climate Services WMO-No.1205 Guide to Competency WMO Publications