Year 5 ‘Meet the teacher’ morning.
Agenda: What goes on in Year 5? Who are we? Maths English Science Topic PE Homework expectations Reading Spelling Maths and English
Teachers Juniper: Mrs Rowley Cherry: Miss Hyde Mrs Darnell am pm Mon Tue Miss Hyde Wed Thur Fri
What goes on? Side door opens 8:45 Most days straight to assembly after registration/early work – revision Maths and English either side of break AR (Accelerated Reader) Break 10:45-11:05 Lunch 12:30-1:30 Topic - Geography, History, Art and Design and Technology, Computing French P.E. Music R.E. (Religious Education) P.S.H.E (Personal, Social and Healthy Education), Values and Rights Each class has their own timetable but this is what our timetable is filled with.
10:45 – 11:05 eaten on playground Long time since breakfast Snacks and Water 10:45 – 11:05 eaten on playground Long time since breakfast Fruit and vegetables only Named water bottles daily Mention they have a drink whilst eating their fruit, also after break, lunch and any other time they need one. Need for a BOTTLE because parents can monitor how much fluid, and easy to take out for P.E. etc.
Maths Interactive learning Appropriate challenge Arithmetic Problem solving and Reasoning Sumdog – access at home too Have Abacus logged on with an interactive tool, e.g. bead strings for parents to see how we use these tools. Log on to a child’s Abacus for them to see what they can do at home.
English Topic based where possible Focus on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) Handwriting must be joined – pen licence Writing for extended periods of time Writing for a range of purposes and genres, e.g. letters, instructions, stories etc Editing and improving writing AR continued
Science Living things and their habitat Animals including humans Earth and Space Forces Properties of materials Changes in materials.
Topic Three topics (one for each term) History Geography Design and Technology Art
PE Cherry- Friday Juniper- Full PE kit needed. Hats in summer. Hair tied back and jewellery removed. Outdoor education- football.
Homework Expectations Reading Everyday for 15-20 minutes With an adult as often as can Record in homework diary with what page read to. Spelling Look, say, cover, write, check Other practise too Statutory spelling list Spelling rules Maths and English Weekly homework on Wednesday. Show example of learning log (Izzy Leigh) Show reading record book. Show year 2 spelling sheet that will come home, demonstrate look, say cover, write, check method. Extra practise should be done on scrap pieces of paper. Have examples of tricky words to show.
Behaviour for Learning Self-motivation Positive attitude to all learning Do your best! Sustained periods of silent work