What is United Way?
Our Mission: The United Way of Cleveland County helps people by uniting resources and programs to responsibly meet the needs of our community.
What we do can be simplified into three basic categories. Raise Money. Account for It. Give It Away.
In 2018 the United Way of Cleveland County raised Raise Money: The United Way of Cleveland County raises money through their annual campaign. Whether this be through employee campaigns, individual gifts, or corporate giving. In 2018 the United Way of Cleveland County raised $1,266,000
Account for It: The United Way of Cleveland County is very responsible with our donations. Each agency that receives United Way funding is carefully reviewed by volunteers to make sure that United Way dollars are making a difference.
Give It Away: 30 Programs housed within 27 Agencies here in Cleveland County will receive United Way funding in 2018. 88¢ of every $1 raised goes directly to our agencies.
Our Agencies: Abuse Prevention Council Alconon American Heart Association American Red Cross Boys and Girls Club Boys Scouts Piedmont Council Children's Homes of Cleveland County CLECO Primary Care Network Cleveland County Community Development Corporation Cleveland County Council on Aging Cleveland County Hearts & Hooves Cleveland County Fund for Children and Adults with Disabilities CODAP (Community Organization for Drug Abuse Prevention) Communities In Schools Community Math Academy Foster Grandparent Program Habitat For Humanity Hospice Cleveland County Inter-Faith Alliance (Cleveland County Rescue Mission) Kings Mountain Crisis Ministry Life Enrichment of Cleveland County Mental Health Association of Cleveland County NC211 South Mountain Children and Family Services The Children's Advocacy Center The Salvation Army Washington Outreach Ministry
Our Impact: In 2017 over 40,000 Cleveland County Residents were helped through a United Way funded program.
For Example... 848 People received credit counseling and foreclosure prevention services through Cleveland County Community Development Corporation programs.
161 Children attended a Summer Math Academy – helping to increase their math test scores and brighten their futures at the Community Math Academy.
416 shut in senior citizens were delivered a hot meal everyday through the Cleveland County Council on Aging Meals on Wheels Program.
43 participants at the Life Enrichment Center were able to receive financial assistance through the United Way funded Scholarship program.
These are just a few agency stories These are just a few agency stories. Each United Way agency provides a unique service to Cleveland County.
A Stronger Community Begins With YOU! Contributions made through the United Way of Cleveland County go to help real people right here in our community. These are our friends, neighbors and co-workers. Thanks!