Workforce Planning and Development SECONDARY DRIVERS Provide leadership; advise on service models and staffing of library and knowledge services Workforce Planning and Development SECONDARY DRIVERS Expand the workforce by advocating for an improved staff ratio of librarians and knowledge specialists Establish the NHS as an employer of choice, via education, marketing and career materials Enable employers to value library and knowledge services staff and support role redesign, recruit, retain and develop LKS teams Develop and promote to employers resources to inform role redesign and enhancement for both professional and paraprofessional roles Implement and evaluate leadership development programmes PRIMARY DRIVER Develop and promote resources for succession planning Establish a robust, sustainable approach to workforce profiling There is effective leadership, planning and development of the LKS workforce Promote and monitor use of the Professional Knowledge and Skills Base (PKSB) Enable excellent national, regional and local leadership Promote opportunities for vocational qualifications and apprenticeships within LKS Conduct a development needs survey and a staff engagement survey to inform planning Coordinate and evaluate a national Continuing Professional Development offer for all LKS staff to meet both strategic priorities and learning needs and wants Promote, monitor, evaluate and further develop the Learning Zone Develop an appropriately skilled, flexible library and knowledge services workforce Work with HEIs to develop content, modules and programmes to introduce LIS students to the work of health libraries and knowledge services, and inform a positive career choice Enhance the digital skills of LKS staff; promote technological innovation for LKS Promote collaboration between health informaticians to meet the needs of the NHS August 2019 Establish a specialised NHS-led Learning Academy for health LKS staff