Shipper Reporting Pack Glossary
Shipper Reporting Pack Glossary Update: During the delivery of the Data Discovery Platform and drop 1 Portfolio data go live, Xoserve have been working closely with customers to update the Shipper Pack Glossary. The purpose of these updates is to make it more valuable for customers and update the information to align to the changes made post Nexus. The glossary in its new format has been reviewed by DSG twice and we have received and incorporated additional comments from the Change Originator. Xoserve are looking for approval to baseline the content of the document so that it can be included in the Shipper Pack due to go out in September. Point to note: this document will be a living document and will need to be updated regularly to align with each new drop of data until all data in the Shipper Pack is available in the Data Discovery Platform. Once the content is baselined Xoserve will issue the document with the relevant company branding prior to distribution.