Central Florida Diversity Learning Series 2013 Evaluation Summary of Session 1 on February 14th Defining Cultural Competence: The Theory Leading to Practice Presenter: Janet Bennett
EVALUATION DETAILS A total of 29 evaluations were turned in, 19 of which were filled out by managers and 10 of which were filled out by individual contributors or employees. A total of 32 people attended the session. The first 4 questions asked participants to rate their knowledge before and after the session, on a scale from 1-5. Questions 5-8 were open-ended with room to write in responses.
I understand the definition of cultural competence. Managers’ total improvement: 32% IC’s total improvement: 33% Based on 19 manager responses and 10 individual responses.
I am knowledgeable of how to assess my own cultural competence and the competence of my team. Managers’ total improvement: 47% IC’s total improvement: 52% Based on 19 manager responses and 10 individual responses.
I understand the impact of cultural competence on stereotyping. Managers’ total improvement: 33% IC’s total improvement: 20% Based on 19 manager responses and 10 individual responses.
I see the link between cultural competence and my success, and the success of our team and my organization. Managers’ total improvement: 21% IC’s total improvement: 17% Based on 19 manager responses and 10 individual responses.
Average Rating per Question (Managers and Individuals Combined)
Total Percentage Improvement per Question (Managers and Individuals Combined)
OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS What was your most significant learning today? Managers: Truly all of it! Overall dialogue around the continuum and what stage to introduce learning. Best times/life examples of how to apply or what it looks like. Application of the model. The levels of intercultural sensitivity. Understanding the different mindsets of intercultural sensitivity. Definitions and behaviors of stages of cultural competence. Freedom of anxiety.
OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS What was your most significant learning today? Individual Contributors: The idea of the range within the development of international sensitivity. Increased understanding of cultural competence. Learning the model of intercultural sensitivity. The levels of competence and how to approach training. Wow – it was all very insightful. The importance of intercultural coaching.
OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS What was your most significant learning today? Individual Contributors: The developmental models of intercultural sensitivity and identifying where a person. Voice tonal inflection as related to various cultures. Love the curiosity statement. Floating intercultural competence to the top of my radar.
OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS How will you use one or more of the tools presented/ practiced today? Managers: I will present this after taking the assessments. In my day to day interactions – be more aware. Use the model in a different way. Educate others on my team. Discussion and link model to learning. Recognize the different levels of the developmental model. Share learning with others through interactive class. Role playing activity for experiential learning. The continuum of development. I really found the model/continuum extremely useful.
OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS How will you use one or more of the tools presented/ practiced today? Individual Contributors: First, take a look at my own cultural competence and work through how to better my understanding/knowledge. The explanation of the developmental model. I will try to assess each individual’s level of competence in order to work with them and educate them. Will use with my team, clients, and family. Understanding my own cultural sensitivity. Awareness raises competence. Identify the stages and how to work with them.
OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS How might you integrate what you learned about cultural competence into your organization's diversity and inclusion efforts? Managers: Sharing with the leadership and facilitating the experience for them. Understand the value of this knowledge in on-boarding. Assess readiness for specific topics based on learner’s perceived level of difference acceptance. Integrate into current programming and educational tools. With employee training. Sharing my learning. I will start by sharing the learnings with my team.
OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS How might you integrate what you learned about cultural competence into your organization's diversity and inclusion efforts? Individual Contributors: Working with our regional resource council. Bringing this information to regional resource groups. Around talent pipeline. I’m not a part of an organization but these are useful career skills.
OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS Other comments: (usefulness of handouts, quality of the presenters, facilitators, food, facilities, access, insights): Managers: Great job, Bill! Good experience and interactive. Loved the activity and the visuals that made a concept so clear! Excellent presentation! Excellent session! Like to have learned more though. Excellent! Excellent conversations! Time went fast. Good material – insightful and relevant.
OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS Other comments: (usefulness of handouts, quality of the presenters, facilitators, food, facilities, access, insights): Individual Contributors: Loved this session. Facilitator was outstanding, entertaining, excellent at answering questions. Great facility and breakfast. Very much opened my mind, awareness and self-critique.