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The Use of Percent Change as an Endpoint in Clinical Trials 2019 JSM Jitendra Ganju Ganju Clinical Trials, LLC and Kefei Zhou Jazz Pharmaceuticals
Percent Change vs Change Reasons for using % change - Follow-up value depends on baseline value - Clinically relevant metric Question: Are these reasons good enough to prefer % change over absolute change? Goal of talk: to explain why change is still usually better than % change
Percent Change in Practice Blood measures, pain scores, bone mineral density It is well-known that when baseline mean not large relative to std dev distribution of % change unstable We give more reasons to prefer change over % change Vickers, BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2001
Real Example: Osteoporosis Ph 2 Study From study protocol, available at:
Power or Clinical Relevance? Is ‘clinically relevant’ a good enough reason? Suppose power for change >> power for % change power for change > power for % change power for change ≈ power for % change. Don’t know power for imputation adjusted population or power for subgroups unknown power for change < power for % change But wait…
Implication of What is Not Considered Different populations and outlets for results How well do we understand % change power? Implications for small pharma. Example: % change result positive for primary popln but negative for subgroup. Absolute change result positive for both. Not a trivial matter! Observed data Imputation Subgroup Prescribing info ✓ ? FDA review Publication
Notation Baseline: X, Follow-up: Y, Z = 𝑌−𝑋 𝑋 Will look at Y as an additive response (e.g. Y = 10+X) and as proportional to baseline (e.g. Y = 0.75*X) T = treatment (A, B) Δ = Group B mean – Group A mean
Marsaglia’s Remarkable Work Well known result: Z = 𝑌−𝑋 𝑋 not stable if 𝜇 𝜎 for X small Marsaglia shows that 𝜇 𝜎 for Y also affects distribution. Gives precise conditions for normal Z (amazing result) Example: X and Y normal, 𝜎=1, Corr(X, Y)=0.5 𝜇 𝑋 =5 𝜇 𝑋 =5 𝜇 𝑌 =7 𝜇 𝑌 =3 Z more normal-like when Y = X – k than when Y = X + k, k > 0 Conditions not included because excessive notation required Marsaglia G. Ratios of normal variables. J. Statistical Software (2006), and JASA (1965)
Simulations Corr(X, Y) ≈ 0.5 N = 50/group Power (two-sided alpha = 5%) Z = T two sample t test, Z Z = T + X covariate adjusted, Z|X Y = T + X covariate adjusted, Y|X (same as Y – X = T + X)
Normal Data, Additive Effect Case 1 (% change not normal) Case 2 (% change normal) Δ=0.5 Δ=0.5 Marsaglia conditions not met for Y Marsaglia conditions met Details All variances = 1 Case 1: 𝜇 𝑋 = 5, 𝜇 𝑌𝐴 = 7, 𝜇 𝑌𝐵 = 7.5 Case 2: 𝜇 𝑋 = 5, 𝜇 𝑌𝐴 = 3, 𝜇 𝑌𝐵 = 3.5 81 81 78 79 73 42 Z Z|X Y|X Z Z|X Y|X
Marsaglia conditions not met for X and Y Normal Data, Bad Case Marsaglia conditions not met for X and Y Δ=0.5 Details All variances = 1 𝝁 𝑿 = 3, 𝝁 𝒀𝑨 = 4, 𝝁 𝒀𝑩 = 4.5 81 40 25 Z Z|X Y|X
Chi-square Data Additive Proportional Mean diff = 2 25% reduction from baseline Details Additive: X ~ 𝜒 2 7 , YA ~ 𝜒 2 7 , YB ~ 𝜒 2 9 Proportional: X ~ 𝜒 2 7 , YA ~ 𝜒 2 7 , YB ~ 0.75∗𝜒 2 7 85 81 70 69 60 58 Z Z|X Y|X Z Z|X Y|X
Poisson* Data Additive Proportional Mean diff = 2 10% reduction from baseline Details Additive: X ~ 1+Pois(18), YA ~ 1+Pois(18), YB ~ 1+Pois(20) Proportional: X ~ 1+Pois(20), YA ~ 1+Pois(20), YB ~ round(0.9*(1+Pois(20))) *1 added to avoid 0 in denominator 80 76 74 70 64 57 Z Z|X Y|X Z Z|X Y|X
Mixture of Poissons* Proportional 30% reduction from baseline Details 90% of data from Pois(20), 10% from Pois(80) (non-parametric methods perform much better) Details X and YA : with prob. 0.9 and 0.1, resp., from Pois(20) and Pois(80) YB ~ 0.7 of mixture of Pois(20) and Pois(80), with p = 0.9 and 0.1 *1 added to avoid 0 in denominator 72 68 63 Z Z|X Y|X Corr(X, Y) ≈ 0
Main Points Power is paramount. Difference more stable than ratio. Make ancova on Y default for inference. Make the case for % change Power of % change with covariate > w/o covariate. Covariate more important when Marsaglia conditions not met If highly non-normal data then non-parametric methods better. Comparisons should be between ranked % change and ranked raw data .