The National Association of the Korean American United Methodist Clergywomen (NAKAUMC) Report by Pauline Kang
Leadership Team (2017-2019)
The Mission We strive to strengthen God’s ministry under the leadership of Korean American United Methodist clergywomen.
The PUrpose (1) to celebrate, connect, and empower the Korean American United Methodist clergywomen and their ministries, (2) to be a platform to raise the story and profile of Korean American United Methodist clergywomen, (3) to assist leadership development of the Korean American women in ministry, and (4) to be a leading voice in advocating peace and justice in the world
Ohana conference (7/9-11,2018) Theme: “You belong Here” NAKAUMC & AAPIC Number of Participants: 66 (including 49 clergywomen and family members) Grant by KMP, GBHEM, GBGM
Worship/ workshop/fellowship
New Project in progress Mentor-Healer Training Program in partnership with GBHEM Rev. Dr. Soomee Kim Director of Clinical Pastoral Education of the GBHEM)