A, Changes in BRAFV600E cfDNA allele fraction from baseline after one dose of treatment for 12 patients with serial samples available, classified according to radiographic responders (blue) or nonresponders (black). A, Changes in BRAFV600E cfDNA allele fraction from baseline after one dose of treatment for 12 patients with serial samples available, classified according to radiographic responders (blue) or nonresponders (black). B, Percentage change in BRAFV600E cfDNA fraction versus percent change in radiographic volume of target lesions at the time of first restaging (after 4 doses of treatment), according to radiographic responders (black) or nonresponders (red). Representative trends in cfDNA fraction (black) and radiographic changes (red) for patients with radiographic response (C) and progression (D). David S. Hong et al. Cancer Discov 2016;6:1352-1365 ©2016 by American Association for Cancer Research