Vocabulary Nomads- Culture- Artifact- Prehistory- Atlatl- Horticulture- Agriculture- People who have no permanent home but wandered in search of food. Customs, art, and social institutions of a group of people. Items such as weapons, pottery, tools and jewelry made by man. History that happened before written records. Early device to throw a spear. Garden cultivation Large scale food production
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Nomadic people
Development over time
Development over time
Mississippian Indians- Advanced Agriculture
Mississippian Indians- Villages
Mississippian Indians 800 CE to 1600 CE (800 years) Last prehistoric culture Large scale farmers and mound builders Traded extensively throughout North America- Hightower Trail Middle School named for a Native American trail.
Mississippian Indians Advanced weapons- tomahawk, bow and arrow. Advanced farming- grew corn (maize), tomatoes, squash, peppers, potatoes. Advanced tools (nets, baskets, pottery.)
Mississippian Indians Chiefdom society- powerful chief Hierarchical society with a small number of elites Most people were commoners
Mississippian Indians Mound towns – mounds are thought to have been for burials, celebrations, worship, and to show status (the higher in society, the higher the mound. Evidence of belief in an afterlife- people were buried with their personal items and jewelry.
Mississippian Indians Etowah Indian Mounds, Cartersville, Ga Mound Sites in the Southeast
Mississippian Indians
Hernando DeSoto First European Explorer in Georgia was DeSoto Explorers came for God, Gold, and Glory Came from Spain Starved thousands of Indians, killed and enslaved many others
Hernando DeSoto Natives thought he was a god He and his men wandered all over SE—given false info by Indians to protect their villages
Hernando DeSoto
Hernando DeSoto He died and was “buried” in the Mississippi River so Natives would not realize he was a man
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http://www.gpb.org/georgiastories/story/hernando_de_soto Hernando DeSoto
Spanish Missions Church settlements created to convert Indians to Christianity (Catholicism) Set up on barrier islands and Georgia interior. Wanted to convert natives to Catholicism
Spanish Missions Required unmarried males to work for them for several months a year Caused Native American culture to decline (disease) The Spanish moved farther south to what is now Florida.
Vocabulary Mercantilism- Policy to maximize wealth through finding cheap raw materials and creating goods to sell to other markets.
Vocabulary Monarch- A king or a queen
The French The Spanish The English (British) Primary focus was on the fur trade. Mainly settled in the New Orleans area and Quebec area of Canada. The Spanish Wanted God, Gold, and Glory. Mainly settled in Mexico, Central and South America, and Florida. The English (British) Wanted to pursue colonization to support mercantilism. Mainly settled in eastern Canada and eastern North America. http://www.gpb.org/georgiastories/story/mercantilism http://www.singinghistory.com/music.html
Jamestown First permanent colony created in the New World. Initially unsuccessful, but then grew tobacco, rice and indigo to send back to England. Led to more colonies being built to produce agricultural products. Maryland (1632) Carolina (1663- divided in 1712) Georgia 1733 http://www.historyglobe.com/jamestown/