The Seller’s Webinar will begin promptly at 1:03
Request for offers for front-of-the-meter battery energy storage system capacity and energy delivery
MBCP Overview MBCP began serving 270,000 customers in March 2018 MBCP was formed to provide locally controlled, carbon neutral electricity to residents and businesses in Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties through the Community Choice Energy (CCE) model MBCP’s renewable goals align with the State of California’s RPS goals with the addition of maintaining a carbon-neutral portfolio
MBCP Expansion Activity In 2020, the cities of San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay within San Luis Obispo County will be enrolled into the MBCP service territory. In 2021, several communities from within the counties of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara will be enrolled into the MBCP service territory. Service Area Est. Annual Load (GWhs) 2020 MBCP 3,400 2021 MBCP 5,600
RFO timeline Activity Scheduled Date Issuance of RFO September 13, 2019 Seller Webinar September 27, 2019 at 1:00 PM PPT Deadline to submit questions October 2, 2019 at 5:00 PM PPT Responses to questions provided October 8, 2019 Responses due to MBCP October 11, 2019 at 5:00PM PPT Notification of final shortlisted Offers (Tentative) October 2019 PPA negotiations October 2019 – February 2020 Execution of PPA February 2020
RFO Overview Capacity Sizes: 10-100MW Desired COD: Jan 2021-Dec 2022 The goal of the RFO is to secure one or more long-term Power Purchase Agreements to supply Resource Adequacy and add flexibility to our portfolio. Capacity Sizes: 10-100MW Desired COD: Jan 2021-Dec 2022 PPA Term options: 5, 10, or 15 years Discharge Duration: 2-8 hours MBCP is requesting 3 BESS options (on next slide) Pricing: All options priced in $/kw-month Location: MBCP Territory, State of California, Other
BESS Proposal Options Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 MBCP purchases Resource Adequacy (RA) Capacity only. Pricing structure should be in $ per kw-month, reflecting the value that the proposer will derive from the energy arbitrage; Option 2 MBCP purchases the exclusive right to charge and discharge the battery as we see fit, retaining all energy revenues earned along with the purchase of RA Capacity. Pricing structure should be in $ per kw-month; Option 3 MBCP purchases RA Capacity, and Seller will optimize the charging and discharging of the battery but will split all energy revenues received on a 50:50 ratio. Pricing structure should be in $ per kw-month for the RA Capacity plus the terms and conditions associated with the revenue sharing component.
MBCP BESS Use Cases While MBCP is requesting proposals that give us the maximum flexibility to operate the BESS as we see fit, here are the most likely use cases we would operate under: Energy Arbitrage Allow MBCP to transfer our solar generation from the mid-day peaking hours to the evening ramp, thus mitigating curtailments Ancillary Services Allow MBCP to utilize the BESS to participate in CAISO ancillary services markets (regulation, spinning and non-spinning reserves)
RFO Process Question & Answer: Answers to questions will be posted to MBCP’s RFP webpage ( Offers Due: Participant’s Offer(s) must be submitted by the October 11, 2019 5:00 PM PPT Offer Review: MBCP will evaluate all Offers according to criteria listed in the scoring matrix. During this phase, MBCP will identify submitted Offers for short-listing and notify Participants to begin the negotiation phase Negotiations and Execution: MBCP will negotiate PPAs with short-listed participants with the intention of executing PPA(s). MBCP may execute PPAs with selected participants at any time during the negotiation phase or may choose to execute none at all
Evaluation of Offers Evaluation will be based on a combination of Quantitative and Qualitative criteria Quantitative Evaluation Criteria MBCP will compare fixed cost and revenue of each proposal and incorporate results to support the development of the Shortlist Qualitative Evaluation Criteria Project Risk Experience Location Proposal Options Completeness of Proposal Local Workforce Requirement
Scoring Matrix Criteria Component Points Cost 35 Project Risk 15 Seller Experience Physical Location 10 Point of Delivery Product Options 5 Completeness of Proposal Local Workforce Requirement Total 100
Offer Submittal Offers must be received on or before October 11, 2019 5:00 pm PPT Participants may submit multiple offers. MBCP asked that each participant not submit more than 12 unique offers Only electronic copies will be accepted and must be submitted to
Offer Package Each Seller should submit to MBCP a completed Offer Package that should include the following; Executive Summary List of existing or in-development battery storage projects Appendix A Appendix B
Shortlist Requirements Post a Shortlist Deposit of $3/kW of Energy Storage Capacity Execute an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with MBCP Execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with MBCP Provide financial and credit information about your company
Communications and Website All RFO documents are available on MBCP’s website at: All announcements, updates, and Q&As will also be posted on the website All communications should be directed to: