MEL Capacity in Southern Africa
Have you completed the capacity assessment?
We have a mix of country and project level MEL staff Most MEL staff are full time May want to consider other languages in CoP
We network pretty well with other MEL colleagues We also network pretty well with other non-MEL colleagues
Does Tanzania have MEL support for humanitarian?
Do we need more support/training in planning and budgeting? How are we involved these design elements in our projects?
Reflection Priority capacity gap to address What resources are required to address this gap? What are the next steps?
Malawi Priority-survey design and data analysis Resources How to work with software-Nvivo for qualitative data Qual and Quant Resources Financial- training workshops Experienced and qualified facilitator Online trainings Individual learning before training Global MEL team can provide training links, videos, literature, books Actions needed M&E workshop with project managers-put items on agenda to improve Get practical experience using the knowledge/software TDY
Tanzania Priority-Design and data analysis Resources Actions needed Tools Technical support Actions needed Discuss with management what the MEL needs are Develop a plan
Mozambique Priority-System of data storage and management Resources Do not have resources, but is a PRIORITY Meetings as an M&E team Next steps- Plan of action and advocacy with CO and CDs to help with development of MIS
Zambia Priority-Ability to understand the TOR and evaluations Difficult to review the reports completed by consultants Data analysis- quant and qual analysis Resources Trainings to equip staff to analyze data Funds to hold regular meetings-to operationalize priorities Software and stats packages Next steps Engage staff in development of the ToRs in the beginning for every evaluation Generate data demand by senior management and project staff to support and resource the process
Zimbabwe Priority-Learning agenda and proficiency with quant and qual analysis Resources Time Trainings $ from project resources Next steps Include in FY19 budgeting plan
Madagascar Priority-involve all the MEL staff in this training; better integrate MEAL staff and the non-MEAL staff, especially as it relates to the global strategy work; use new technologies for data collection (especially KOBO); create and implement a learning system that includes failure Resources: budget, MEAL staff need to spend time integrating with other team mebers Next steps- Use July meeting to develop strategies and an action plan that integrates these priorities