Easter Rising – Padraig Pearse


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Presentation transcript:

Easter Rising – Padraig Pearse Perspective Reasons Action

Easter Rising – Padraig Pearse Perspective Reasons Action Supports the Rising Pearse wanted to free Ireland from British control and establish an independent Republic. Pearse hoped that all of Ireland would support the Rising and that the British would find it difficult, or even impossible, to overcome a widespread rebellion in Ireland while simultaneously fighting the Germans in the trenches of WWI. Led the Rising from the position of the G.P.O. OR Ordered the surrender when the Rising was no longer sustainable. Pearse hoped to unite all of Ireland by creating a blood sacrifice for the sake of Irish independence. Irish people would then flock to the banner of these martyrs and defeat the British. Pearse was motivated to surrender even though he had not beaten the soldiers surrounding the G.P.O. because he had never intended to actually win. He knew he had achieved his hidden agenda of creating a blood sacrifice which would unit the Irish people under the cause of independence. He hoped that people would flock to the banner of the Rising martyrs.

Easter Rising – Eoin MacNeill Perspective Reasons Action Opposed the Rising. MacNiell was the leader of the Irish Volunteers and he did not want them to be destroyed in a pointless and unwinnable battle against British soldiers who were better equipped and were supported by the might of the British Empire. Only 20% of the Irish Volunteers actually had rifles, and MacNeill knew that many of the general Irish population did not support them. Cancelled troop manoeuvres for Easter Sunday. MacNeill did not want an unnecessary loss of life. He felt the Irish Volunteers would be of more use if he preserved their strength for a more suitable occasion. MacNeill also felt that, rather than attacking the British while they were busy fighting the Germans in the trenches of WWI, it was better for Ireland to bide her time without making trouble and wait for England to install Home Rule after the end of the war.

Easter Rising – British Army General Perspective Reasons Action Opposed the Rising. Would want to maintain British control over her first colony in her great Empire. Would be extremely angry to have to deal with Irish rebels when there were real battles happening in trenches in France and Belgium. Used major force to overcome the Rising by, for example, shelling the buildings where the rebels had made their stand. OR Captured, court-martialled and executed the leaders of the Rising. Regarded the Rising as a stab in the back by the Irish, since Britain was trying to win WWI. The rebels were therefore traitors and a danger to the British Empire. In order to maintain control over the entire Empire, it was necessary to strictly, and on this occasion without mercy, enforce law and order.