IFTA Vehicle Specific & EVOC Breakout Presented by: Robert Pitcher, ATA, IFTA Industry Advisory Committee Stephen Nutter, (VA) IFTA, Inc. Board of Trustees, President
EVOC Discussion EVOC: a means of enabling LE on the side of the road to deal effectively with the truck in front of them. Enforcement must be able to key into one or more universal databases and verify that the status of the vehicle is OK, or not.
EVOC Discussion This may be done by: 1. DOT number on the truck 2. License plate number 3. VIN
EVOC Discussion 1. Identifies the carrier rather than the vehicle 2. The registrant rather than the vehicle 3. The vehicle but nothing else
EVOC Discussion 1 and 2 may get enforcement much of the way to the identification of the IFTA fleet of which the vehicle is, or might be, or should be, a part. That’s inadequate for law enforcement's need. An IFTA fleet may not be congruent with some other definition of fleet, and if it is today, it may not be tomorrow.
EVOC Discussion EVOC won't work for IFTA as those two concepts now stand. The Agreement was deliberately set up to be fleet- rather than vehicle-oriented, and the makeup of an IFTA fleet isn't the same as any other relevant concept.
EVOC Discussion No one knows exactly what vehicles are in an IFTA fleet at any given time except the licensee and - maybe - the base-state auditor of that licensee (97% chance that will not occur).
EVOC Discussion What’s Industry’s Interest in EVOC? Better Enforcement Eliminating IFTA Decals
EVOC Discussion DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION BUT… Stemmed from Board request “Changes needed to make IFTA vehicle-specific” Much industry input BUT…
EVOC Discussion Points to Notice: The concept of an IFTA License changes R235, R337, R338 Most key changes are in Article VI, esp. R610 Most other changes serve to eliminate decals Role of IFTA Clearinghouse could change R2110
EVOC Discussion Article VI Changes R605: No more physical credentials Licensees must electronically furnish their base with VINs of their IFTA fleet vehicles Jurisdictions must update VIN data, by account number, to IFTA Clearinghouse daily
Article VI Changes, cont’d. EVOC Discussion Article VI Changes, cont’d. R610, cont’d: Licensees have two days to notify base of VIN changes Changes explicitly to provide better enforcement R620: Failure of Licensee to notify base of VIN changes subject to penalty – But What?
Now for Something Completely Different EVOC Discussion Now for Something Completely Different National Pilots of mileage-based user fee or vehicle mileage tax or road usage fee
EVOC Discussion BE CAREFUL HERE Almost all discussions of MBUFs, VMTs, etc., start with these assumptions: The traditional fuel tax is in trouble, or obsolete EVs will require replacing the fuel tax A mileage tax is a reasonable, appropriate way to fund the roads BUT…
EVOC Discussion NONE OF THIS IS TRUE !! To the extent the fuel tax has a problem, the problem is POLITICAL. EVs are a negligible share of the market, and may never be more than that. Mileage taxes are highly problematic, and haven’t worked well at all.
EVOC Discussion MBUFA (mileage based user fee alliance) Promoting a national pilot End game is to activate national program by Federal Government
EVOC Discussion MBUFA Enthralled with IFTA model Millennial Concentric predictions Fleet reporting and ownership is major part of their program
EVOC Discussion MBUFA Perspectives Corporate ownership and operation Fleet reporting is an asset
EVOC Discussion Northwestern States Washington, Oregon and California all had pilots RUC West is now 14 states
EVOC Discussion Acknowledged interstate travel but willfully ignored ramifications RUC West will include interstate travel when they have a pilot
EVOC Discussion I95 Corridor Coalition States from Florida to Maine Embraced interstate travel and acknowledge value of IFTA operations (clearinghouse)
EVOC Discussion Perspectives Corporate ownership and operation Fleet reporting is an asset
EVOC Discussion Perspectives Jurisdictional Partners
EVOC Discussion Perspectives Industry Partners
EVOC Discussion Perspectives Collaborative Government Entities
EVOC Discussion The Board of Trustees seeks input from all parties to develop an appropriate plan (ballot) to move forward with EVOC support
EVOC Discussion All comments and concerns will be combined and evaluated by the Board of Trustees at their fall meeting.