Classroom Expectations 7th Grade Mathematics TRACY BLACKBURN 2019-2020 Email: Phone: (505)830-3128 Prep/Office Hours by appt: 11:00-11:54 Room: 6 Class Overview Rigorous mathematics curriculum design aligned with 7th grade Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and mathematical practices (MP). The standards and practices can be found at Use of universal design and the “I do, we do, you do” approach means the use of direct instruction, modeling, guided practice, whole group and small group activities, and independent work. Classroom Expectations Overall, I expect every student to be RESPECTFUL, to stay POSITIVELY ENGAGED, to ASK for help, and to PERSEVERE through difficulty. Classroom rules and procedures will be developed together over the next few weeks and, once in place, are expected to be followed. These will post on the website when completed and be contained in math binder. Classwork completion is a must. Students are expected to complete the bell ringer, clozed notes, to ask questions and for clarification when needed, & work cooperatively and respectfully with their classmates daily. What work is not completed in class becomes homework unless stated otherwise. Homework is an integral part of learning and mastering math concepts. Students should expect of have 20-30 minutes of math homework or unfinished classwork Monday through Thursday in order to reinforce concepts taught during class. Students receive credit for the assignment, provided they show their work, and turn the assignment in on time. Math Binders Students are expected to keep their math binder organized. Reference materials and classroom notes will aid students in work completion in and out of class. Agenda use is mandatory. Absences are discouraged as students miss the whole-group lesson and guided practice, as well as the math conversations surrounding the math concepts. If a student has no choice but to miss class, the student is responsible for collecting missed work/notes, scheduling time with me for guidance, and turning the assignment in.
(bring to class everyday) 7th Grade Mathematics Academic Dishonesty Required Materials (bring to class everyday) Academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances. Cheating, copying, or plagiarism of any form will result in failure of the assignment, disciplinary referral, and parent contact. One 2” three ring binder TI-30Xa Calculator 1 set of 8 tab dividers 1 package of sheet protectors (clear) Regular supply of pencils Grade Distribution Year-at-a-Glance Unit 1: Ratios and Proportional Relationships Unit 2: The Number System Unit 3: Expressions and Equations Unit 4: Geometry Unit 5: Statistics and Probability Note***Daily performance includes but is not limited to the participation in math conversations, note taking, & group-work participation. Correction Policy All students will be given the opportunity to make corrections. I will provide a correction sheet that will be stapled to the original assignment. Upon completion of corrections for ALL missed problems, student will earn back ½ points they missed originally. This is done to encourage students to learn from their mistakes and persevere in problem solving.
Bloom’s Taxonomy