Property Disposal & Reports of Survey 1 Property Disposal & Reports of Survey 2019 CAP National Conference
Disposal ORMS determines the proper disposal process 2 ORMS determines the proper disposal process Source determines who has to approve retirement Do not retire property whose useful life has reached zero if it can still be used to support CAP missions Contact the region LG to determine is someone else can use the property NHQ/LG and CAP-USAF coordinate on federally-funded property
Fixed Assets 3 Capitalized. Benefit of the asset extends beyond the year of purchase, unlike other costs, which are period costs benefitting only the period incurred. Recorded at cost of acquisition. Cost includes all expenditures directly related to the acquisition and preparations for its intended use. Costs such as freight, sales tax, transportation and installation should be capitalized. CAP’s capitalization policy establishes a dollar amount threshold of $5,000. Fixed assets that cost less than the threshold amount are expensed.
Fixed Assets 4 A large portion of our annual audit focuses on fixed assets Some examples are aircraft, vehicles, some computers and servers, communications gear and…
Fixed Assets We coordinate fixed asset disposal with CAP-USAF 5 We coordinate fixed asset disposal with CAP-USAF Aircraft are disposed via sealed bid auction Vehicles can be sold, but are normally disposed through DLA-DS (DRMO), salvage yards or through non-profits Items with acquisition costs <5,000 can be disposed through recycling centers or at a landfill Must load a disposal document in the ORMS retirement area of the property. Can be a receipt, copy of a signed title or a signed memo for record.
6 Reports of Survey
Description A process patterned after the military report of survey 7 7 A process patterned after the military report of survey Replaces hull self-insurance It documents circumstances concerning loss, damage or destruction of CAP property It serves as documentation for adjusting property records Used to document a charge of financial liability (assessment)
What does it document Who.. What.. When.. Where.. How.. Sequence.. 8 Who.. What.. When.. Where.. How.. Sequence.. Exhibits ROS not required for acts of God Not required in mishaps where a non-CAP third party was at fault
The process Initiator….the person with the most knowledge 9 Initiator….the person with the most knowledge Wing commander appoints investigator Investigator conducts survey and submits to commander Commander reviews and makes assessment recommendation Region commander is the assessment authority NHQ/LG makes comments/recommendations CAP-USAF/LG makes comments and recommendations
Assessment 10 Purpose is to hold individuals accountable for their actions 3 levels of assessment ranging from simple negligence to willful misconduct or reckless disregard of probable consequences Assessments can range from $500 to full cost to repair/replace Individuals and units or both may be assessed Formal appeals may be made through the National Commander Report of survey remains open until the assessment is paid
Tracked expendable property 11 Non-expendable property in the supply category whose initial acquisition cost/depreciated value is below $500 Wing commander can assess for the loss or retire the property Assessment appeals are made to the region commander
ICL to CAPR 174-1 12 ROS only required for loss or damage to property with a current value greater than $500 (Tracked expendable) History…… Aggregate loss of like items that exceed $500 will be investigated Computers, iPads, tablets and radios, key loaders or other devices with encryption keys loaded are also exceptions
13 Scenario #1 While opening the van door a gust of wind pulled the door from my hand and it hit the pipe that surrounds the gas pump. The door over-extended at the hinges and damaged by contact with the pipe structure.
14 Scenario#2 My laptop was stolen from the back seat of my convertible BMW at Costco while I was shopping for a gift for my boss.