Copyright © 2019, The University of Pittsburgh 411: Act 148 Invoicing Copyright © 2019, The University of Pittsburgh This material is copyrighted by The University of Pittsburgh. It may be used freely for training and other educational purposes by public child welfare agencies and other not-for-profit child welfare agencies that properly attribute all material use to The University of Pittsburgh. No sale, use for training for fees, or any other commercial use of this material in whole or in part is permitted without the express written permission of The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center of the School of Social Work at The University of Pittsburgh. Please contact the Resource Center at (717) 795-9048 for further information or permissions. All names and identities used in this module are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Act 148 Invoicing Agenda: Day One Welcome and Introductions Online Prerequisite Review through Readiness Assurance Test (RAT) Revenues Overview Program Income Title IV-E Placement TANF Title IV-B and Title XX Title IV-E Placement Administration and Training Medical Assistance State and County Match Calculation Fiscal Summary Calculation and Invoice Completion Day 1 Review and Day 2 Preview
Act 148 Invoicing Agenda: Day Two Day 1 Review and Day 2 Preview Second County Data Completion CY-383: Fee for Service Schedule Completion Third County Data Completion Summary and Evaluation
Learning Objectives Recognize the laws that regulate the fiscal responsibilities of child welfare professionals Describe the elements of the child welfare fiscal invoicing policies and procedures Recognize the processes necessary to complete the Act 148 Invoice.
Revenue is applied in the following manner: 1st Program Income (Parental Support, SS, etc.) 2nd Federal Revenue (Title IV-E, TANF, etc.) 3rd State Revenue (Act 148) 4th Local Revenue (County Portion)
TOTAL EXPENSES Total Revenues =
Revenue Breakdown Total Revenues Total Expenses = PI Federal State Local
Examples of Program Income (PI) Parental Support (Title IV-D) Social Security Income: Social Security Disability (SSD), Survivors Benefits, etc. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Veterans (VA) Benefits Human Services Development Fund (HSDF) grant Donations Interest Income Other private funds
Federal Revenue Title IV-E Maintenance – Reimburses a portion of eligible expenses related to maintaining an eligible child in an eligible placement. Uncapped TANF – Reimburses for certain expenses relating to prevention and treatment activities and those related to emergency shelter placements for eligible clients. Capped
Federal Revenue (cont’d) Title IV-B – Reimburses the child welfare agency for expenses, which are not funded with TANF, Medicaid or Title IV-E funds, and are related to any In-Home Services – with the exception of costs centers used to report investigation services. It may also be applied to Community Based, Institutional (excluding secure facilities) and Administration costs. Capped Title XX – Reimbursement used to offset the costs for any IH services (excluding Adoption services and Adoption Assistance) and the non-maintenance (i.e. non-Title IV-E allowable) portion of the Community Based and Institutional per diems (excluding secure facilities) that are not funded by Title IV-E, TANF, or Medicaid. Capped
Federal Revenue Title IV-E Admin & Training – Reimburses the child welfare agency for a portion of expenses related to staff and agency performing Title IV-E eligible activities. Uncapped Medical Assistance (MA) – Based on state-wide RMTS results, MA reimburses for a portion of expenses related to staff and agency performing MA eligibility determinations. Uncapped - It is also possible to receive MA funds to pay for the care of medically fragile children, if your county is an approved MA provider.
State Revenue After deducting PI and Federal Revenues from Total Expenses, the resulting Net Expense amount is used to calculate the amount of State Revenue that the county may apply to expenses. The State reimburses counties according to the type of expenditure (State Participation Rates). Capped
Local Revenue All of the remaining expense is reimbursed with county funds. The county must commit to reimburse this remaining portion of the Child Welfare Expense
Group Home Demonstration Total (GH) Expense: 100 Total PI for GH -10 Net Expense 90 Title IV-E Maintenance -20 Net Remaining Expense 70 State (80%) -56 County (20%) -14 0 Total Revenues = 100 Expenses= 100
Types of Program Income Client Specific Parental Support Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) VA Benefits Non-Client Specific Special Grants Interest Donations Other Private Funding
Title IV-E Title IV-E Maintenance is a federal revenue source available to Child Welfare Agencies for reimbursement of specific expenses related to maintaining an eligible child in an eligible, federally defined foster care setting, Adoption Assistance payments for special needs children, and Subsidized Permanent Legal Custodianship (SPLC) payments. The Agency must determine the child’s eligibility and continually monitor the child’s eligibility and “reimbursability” status.
If a child is Title IV-E eligible and reimbursable… Program Income is applied; 2nd A percentage of the remaining expenses are paid by Title IV-E; 3rd A percentage of the remaining expense is paid by the State (Act 148); and 4th Finally, Local Revenue pays for the remainder of the expenses.
Federal Medical Assistance Participation (FMAP) Rates Set by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services Used to determine the percentage of eligible expenses to be reimbursed with Title IV-E funds Percentage that Title IV-E reimburses depends on the FMAP in effect on the date the child received the service
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Capped federal revenue Pays for 100% of an eligible client’s eligible expenses Must be used to reimburse eligible expenses not funded with Program Income or Title IV-E revenues Used for Emergency Shelter costs and all In-Home service costs, except Adoption Assistance, SPLC, and Juvenile Act Proceedings
Title XX and Title IV-B Title XX: Federal revenue source available to Child Welfare Agencies for reimbursement of expenditures relating to specific In-Home cost centers and NON-MAINTENANCE ONLY portions of Specific Community Based and Institutional Placement cost centers. Capped Title IV-B: Federal revenue source available to Child Welfare Agencies for reimbursement of expenditures relating to specific In-Home cost centers, all Community Based, specific Institutional Placement cost centers and Administration. Capped
How to Apply Title XX and Title IV-B Title XX and Title IV-B should first be applied to eligible purchased services expenses NOT funded with Program Income or Federal Revenues in order to avoid reducing the Administrative cost pool.
Reimbursement Rate by Cost Center Demo 1 Scenario # 1 - IV-B used in 90% reimbursement cost center Exp IV-B % State Reimb STATE LOCAL 100 80% 80 20 90% 60% 60 40 TOTAL 140 Counseling Emergency Shelter Residential Service
Reimbursement Rate by Cost Center Demo 2 Scenario #2- IV-B used in 80% reimbursement cost center Exp IV-B % State Reimb STATE LOCAL 100 80% 90% 90 10 60% 60 40 TOTAL 150 50 Counseling Emergency Shelter Residential Services
Reimbursement Rate by Cost Center Demo 3 Scenario # 3 - IV-B used in 60% reimbursement cost center Exp IV-B % State Reimb STATE LOCAL 100 80% 80 20 90% 90 10 60% TOTAL 170 30 Counseling Emergency Shelter Residential Services
Title IV-E Administration and Training Title IV-E funds are also available to reimburse expenses resulting from Child Welfare Agency staff performing specific Title IV-E eligible activities Requires the same State and Local matching funds as the Title IV-E Maintenance Revenues Expenses are accumulated in the wages, benefits, operating, and fixed assets objects of expenditure
Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) Statewide time study that determines percentage of time child welfare staff spend engaged in Title IV-E eligible activities - e.g., Case Planning & Management, Eligibility Determinations, Pre-Placement Activities, Other Administration, and Training. Provides a justifiable method to determine portion of county operating expenses reimbursed with Title IV-E funds Unlike the County Time Study, RMTS is performed constantly and the resulting statewide percentages are distributed to counties on a quarterly basis.
RMTS Counts vs ACF Data Counts
FY 15-16 Q2 Case Counts & Penetration Rates
Medicaid Administrative Invoice/Claim Calculated to reimburse a portion of child welfare agency expenses for staff time spent engaged in children’s Medicaid eligibility determination activities
= Total Revenues TOTAL EXPENSES Total Revenues Total Expenses = PI Federal State Local TOTAL EXPENSES Total Revenues =
Questions and Answers