Beacon Hill Common Area Landscaping HOA AGM October 6, 2019
Structures are on private property and easement. Center garden is in right of way.
Beacon Hill Section 1 Detention pond This area is irrigated. Mowing frequency varies with weather. Yellow bermuda grass. Mowed once a week or bi weekly depending on growth. Red. Detention pond basin. 6-8 times a year. We have brushed hogged twice in 2019 and expect 1 more.
Current Supplier Mow, Fertilize, two flower plantings, trimming and mulch. 5200 per year Detention Pond Brush Hogging 250 per mowing. 6 to 8 per year normal 2000 dollars per year
Fall 2018 Quotes 7 companies contacted 3 provided quotes. 1 was incomplete 2 met most of the expectations Range, 13K to 19K
2020 Option The company the Board and entrance committee selected last year. 2020 price 16,000 Includes detention pond and balance of statement of work. This is 9000 dollars increase requires an increase in the hoa fees. 1000 dollars from increase to 57 properties paying hoa fees 8000 dollars / 57 properties = 140.35 dollars increase in fees
Proposed 2020 fee 440 dollars per property