How to fill out the FAFSA
Important dates Dec. 1 is the priority date for most Montana schools. The FAFSA will be available on Oct. 1. Dec. 1 is the priority date for most Montana schools. You must file the FAFSA every year. Some types of aid are not affected by the Priority filing dates: If you qualify for Pell, you will receive it. Other types of aid such as the Supplemental Grant we talked about and the work-study programs are limited – first come, first served; Student and one parent must apply for FSA ID Get your FSA ID at: Student and one parent must apply for FSA ID
File the FAFSA at: Or download the myStudentAid app (available on Google or Apple)
FAQ’s Should I use the IRS Data Retrieval tool? Yes, if possible It is the fastest, most accurate way to input your tax return information into the FAFSA form. Prior Prior Year info – this is first year we are using the PRIOR year taxes (2015) instead of current (2016). Next year will be PPY – 2015 again – transitional year to get on new system of using PPY for filing FAFSA
What are common FAFSA errors? FAQ’s What are common FAFSA errors? Wrong Social Security Numbers Wrong date of birth Wrong name, should be the same as your Social Security card If there is something wrong with your FAFSA, talk to the financial aid office about whether you need to correct your FAFSA. Many errors are caught and fixed by the Financial Aid office for you.
FAQ’s Which parent should file? (Divorced/Separated/Remarried) 1. Who did student live with most in last 12 months? 2. If #1 isn’t clear, who provided the most financial support in last 12 months? If parents
This is the financial need equation This is the financial need equation. When you subtract COA – EFC – your remainder is your “Financial Need.” You can have ZERO financial need; but in order to qualify for “need-based” aid, your financial need cannot be ZERO.
Resources Contact a Financial Aid office