Workforce Innovations and Best Practices South Carolina’s State Workforce Development Board’s Strategies to Build a Competitive Workforce
Nithya Pramekumar SWDB Manager Who is this? Nithya Pramekumar SWDB Manager
1 2 3 4 5 Workforce and Economic Development Ecosystem Collaboration and Partnerships The Board’s Role Workforce Innovations and Best Practices Future Funding Opportunities
Introduce yourself. What do you do? Identify a collective goal. How can you work with your team to advance that goal?
SWDB Role in the Workforce System 1
The Board’s Role Local Administrative Entity Governor Local Chief Elected Officials Local Workforce Board State Workforce Board S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce SC Works Operators Service Providers
The Workforce System Workforce System Workforce Development and Solutions Economic Development Community Based Organizations Adult Education Universities and the Technical College System Faith Based Organizations Business and Industry Training Providers
Chamber of Commerce’s 2025 Educational Goals 10 percent yearly increase in Technical College issued certificates and credentials in areas that support SC’s workforce sector strategies. Apprenticeship will continue growing at a yearly rate of 10 percent. Businesses participating in the Youth Apprenticeship Initiative will increase by 10 percent each year and will be in all 46 counties. 10 percent Chamber of Commerce’s 2025 Educational Goals
Workforce Innovations and Best Practices 2
Data Mapping State Technical College System S.C. Department of Education Commission for Higher Education S.C. Department of Commerce S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce
Sector Partnerships
Individuals with disability Priority Populations Individuals with disability Veterans Out of school youth Ex-offenders Long-term unemployed Homeless
Strategic Investments for Workforce Development and Innovation 3
Transportation Demo Grants
Talent Pipeline Scholarships 375 Recipients
Digital Literacy Grants
7 Workforce Innovation Grants Organizations $1.8 million awarded Projects reflected the alignment of workforce, education and training practices. Organizations
Re-Entry Navigator Innovative grant opportunity Point person to help ex-offenders with resources to enter the workforce.
Outreach This outreach campaign was created to introduce and reintroduce South Carolinians to this robust, state-centric, customizable and connected workforce support system.
Staff Training Training in the door. Training for over the phone. Training for out-of-office visits.
Collaboration and Partnership 4
Future Funding Opportunities 5