Prepared by :Goran Rebwar Classification and Identification of beef Cattle Breeds
BRITISH BREEDS OF CATTLE ►Beef ►Beef cattle ► dairy cattle Hereford Hereford ● jersey Polled Polled Herefords ● Guernsey Black Black Angus ●Ayrshire Red Red Angus ● Milking short horn Devon Shorthorn Red Red Poll Galloway British British Whites Scotch Scotch Highland Welsh Welsh Black Wagyu
EUROPEAN BREEDS OF CATTLE ►Beef cattle ► Dairy cattle Simmental Simmental ● brown swiss Limousin Limousin ●holstein Maine-Anjou ●Dutch Belted Salers Charolais Piedmontese Blonde Blonde d’Aquitaine Belgian Belgian Blue Chianina Gelbvieh MRI Normande Pinzqauer Devon South South Devon Tarentaise
Hereford Originated in England Red with white points Horned usually For meat production Known for pink eye Weight:815.4 kg for male kg for female Height:152 cm for male 140 cm for female Bos Taurus / British Breed Classification
Red Angus Originated in the British Isles Same as Black Angus Barred from Angus herd book The breed used for meat production Recognized as separate breed Weight: 900 kg for male 635 kg for female Bos Taurus / British Breed Classification
Black Angus Native to Angus (near Scotland) Most popular beef breed in the US The breed used for meat production Always black in color Can produce Red Angus Weight: 850 kg for male 550 kg for female Bos Taurus / British Breed Classification
Texas Longhorn Originated in the United States Various colors the breed used for meat and milk production. Known for Low Birth Weights and Calving ease for Heifers Weight: 634.2_996.6 kg male 271.8_634.2 kg female Bos Taurus / British Breed Classification
Red Poll Developed in England Primarily used for meat in US Milk and meat production a Dark red and polled weight : 816 kg for male 550 kg for female Bos Taurus / British Breed Classification
Shorthorn Originated in England White to red in color The breed was developed as dual purpose, milk and meat production. Weight:543_634 kg for female Bulls about one ton Bos Taurus / British Breed Classification
Murray Grey Developed in New South Wales-Australia Weight:817_1,135 kg for male 500_700 kg for female Used for meat production Good Carcass traits Docile Disposition Dark pigment on head and udders
Belted Galloway for shaggy coat-ideal for wet, cold conditions Developed from a cross of Galloway and Dutch Belted Have good marbling ability Used for meat production Weight:770_1,000 kg for male 450_680 kg for female
Limousin Native to South-Central France Golden-red to red-brown in color Weight: 1,200 kg for bull 700 kg for cow Used for meat production Bos Taurus European Breed Classification
Simmental First recorded in Switzerland Large body mass Light red to dark red with white points Known for Maternal Characteristics Used for meat and milk production Weight:1,300 kg for bulls 900 kg for cows Bos Taurus / European Breed Classification
Brahman Developed in the United States Light gray or red to black Known for Mothering Ability Used for meat production Weight:800_1,100 kg for male 500_700 kg for female Bos Indicus Classification