Anefo August 26, 2019 Kevin Chapman KICKS Anefo August 26, 2019 Kevin Chapman
Free Kicks New Dead Ball Fouls: No Team K player may be more than 5 yards behind the LOS after RFP unless he kicks Team K encroaches at the kick (use common sense!) Fewer than 4 players on either side of the kicker (foul when kicked) Team K employs a “pop up” kick MIAA Red Ink Tip: After a try or a field goal, the opponent of the scoring team shall designate which team will kick off.
Free Kicks Free Kick Out of Bounds: Touchback: Team R options: 25-yards from kick (usually the 35yd. line) 5-yards from dead ball spot or previous spot + re-kick Touchback: Ball is dead if it breaks plane of Team R’s goal line while still a “kick” by rule If either team touches/muffs the kick --> Touchback to the 20-yard line Reminder: the kick ends when R gains possession Same rule for scrimmage kicks
Free Kicks Fouls During Free Kicks: Team K Team R All fouls may be tacked on so long as Team R is next to put the ball in play (except KCI) Team R All fouls must be previous spot and re-kick or first down If Team R player signals for a fair catch and then blocks, the penalty is enforced from previous spot on a free kick, but PSK on Scrimmage kick
Free & Scrimmage Kicks Kick Catch Interference: Touching restrictions: When a kick is still in flight: Touching restrictions: Free Kick: Team K may not catch/touch/bat a ball in flight Scrimmage Kick: Team K may catch a ball in flight so long as no R in position to catch Team K may not touch a Team R player Team K may not obstruct a Team R player’s path to the ball Does not apply if: Team R has touched the ball The ball has hit the ground Team K player is blocked into the ball or the receiver Enforcement Decline; 15yds. from previous and re-kick; or awarded fair catch at spot of foul +15yds.
Depends on where the ball is when first touched Scrimmage Kicks Is the Continuity of Downs Broken? Depends on where the ball is when first touched BEYOND the Neutral Zone BEHIND the Neutral Zone By R beyond expanded NZ By K beyond regular NZ By R behind expanded NZ or By K behind regular NZ Continuity Broken K may recover K cannot advance if it recovers beyond regular NZ K may advance, kick, or even pass if it recovers behind NZ after R touches beyond expanded NZ Continuity Broken K commits First Touch Ball is dead when ball comes to rest beyond NZ. (If K touches a ball at rest, the down ends. R cannot advance) Continuity Not Broken Either team may recover and advance If K recovers, it may run, pass, or kick but must get 1st down Exception: if ball goes OOB while still a kick, belongs to Team R no matter where it went out or who touched it Exception: simultaneous possession belongs to R (K’s punt is blocked, never crosses NZ, but simultaneously recovered in the K’s EZ is TD!!)
Scrimmage Kicks Fair Catches Any Team R player can signal for a FC on a scrimmage or a free kick NFHS – R isn’t awarded a touchback for FC between 25 and goal line Valid FC depends on WHAT signal is given and WHEN the signal is made: Valid Fair Catch: What: “extending and lateral waving of one arm at full arm’s length above the head” When: “in or beyond the NZ to the receiver’s goal line while the untouched ball is in flight” Invalid Fair Catch: Improper Signal – waving both arms, get away, chest flick, etc. Any signal (proper or improper) given after ball has touched a receiver Any signal given after the ball has touched the ground Illegal Fair Catch Signal: Any signal given by the runner after catching or recovering the kick A signal given by any other player after the catch/recovery is ignored Both Valid or Invalid Fair Catches cause the ball to become dead An Illegal Fair Catch Signal, however, is a live ball foul (play continues) Regardless of signal, scrimmage kick recovered by Team K in or behind NZ can be advanced Invalid or Illegal Fair Catch Signals are 5yd. penalties assessed under all but one principle (common sense)
Scrimmage Kicks Protection & Blocking Protection: Any receiver who gives a valid FC signal is afforded an unmolested opportunity to catch the kick Protection is lost if the ball is muffed. Receiver is not given chance to complete the catch after a muff No protection: Invalid Fair Catch Non-signaling receiver Receiver who has signaled but is in no position to make a fair catch Ball hits the ground or another Team R player beyond LOS ** Still illegal to unnecessarily rough a receiver who is not given protection** ** Receiver still protected against KCI ** Blocking: Any receiver who gives a valid or invalid FC signal may not block (15yd. even if in the IBB) until kick has ended
Scrimmage Kicks Miscellaneous Rules Numbering: On 1st, 2nd, or 3rd – Four must wear 50-79, Snapper may wear nonconforming On 4th – All Linemen can have Nonconforming Numbers In both instances, nonconforming numbered linemen are ineligible even if at the end of the line Blocks Below the Waist ARE permitted on Punts and PATs: Same rule as for regular scrimmage downs Because ball will leave the zone quickly, blocks must be simultaneous w/snap by linemen who are in 3 and 4 pt. stances in free block zone
Field Goals Holder must rise before transferring possession by handoff, forward, or backwards pass A FG operates like a punt: A FG that crosses Team B’s goal line is dead If it misses, it’s a touchback A FG is NOT dead if it lands (and stays) in bounds between the goal lines Team R can catch in the air and return Team R can recover it after it hits the ground and return A ball that comes to rest inbounds untouched by R will belong to R at that spot Blocked FG remains live Continuity of downs is same as punts
Free Kick After Fair Catch Rule: If Team R makes or is awarded FC, it may choose to attempt a free kick for a FG Conditions: The FC must be legal Applies if Team R is awarded a FC as a result of KCI Teams line up in free kick formation Kickoff tee may be used If Team A does not elect to free kick after FC, but Team B commits (a) a dead ball foul prior to the snap, or (b) a live ball foul that results in the down being replayed Team A can elect the free kick after enforcement of the penalty [Example, Team A makes FC at B-40. They decline option for free kick. On the next play, Team B (a) encroaches (b) commits DPI. Ruling: In both situations, Team A may now elect a field goal attempt by free kick.]