Tony Cupisz ACN Co-Founder
Learn It Teach It Motivates You Motivates Your Team COMPENSATION PLAN Learn It Teach It Motivates You Motivates Your Team
YOUR BUSINESS PLAN! COMPENSATION PLAN Compensation Plan Is: Starting Position Earned Positions TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP Compensation Plan Is: YOUR BUSINESS PLAN!
ETT COMPENSATION PLAN Executive Team Trainer Starting Position Earned Positions TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP Set Goal to Immediately Qualify for First EARNED Position: ETT Executive Team Trainer
NEXT Goal to Immediately Qualify for NEXT EARNED Position: COMPENSATION PLAN Starting Position Earned Positions TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP NEXT Goal to Immediately Qualify for NEXT EARNED Position: ETL Executive Team Leader
TC, RVP & SVP COMPENSATION PLAN Team Coordinator Starting Position Earned Positions TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP Set Goal to Qualify for: HIGHEST EARNED Positions of TC, RVP & SVP Team Coordinator Regional Vice President Senior Vice President
Hypothetical example of CPS customers for illustration purposes only Compensation Plan You 1% – 10% Level 1 ¼% Level 2 ¼% Level 3 ¼% Level 4 1/2% Level 5 1% Level 6 2% Level 7 7% Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Hypothetical example of CPS customers for illustration purposes only
Hypothetical example of CPS customers for illustration purposes only Compensation Plan You 1% – 10% Level 1 ¼% Level 2 ¼% Level 3 ¼% Level 4 1/2% Level 5 1% Level 6 2% Level 7 7% 2 Reps 4 Reps 8 Reps 16 Reps 32 Reps 64 Reps 128 Reps You Each representative acquires 25 customers with an average monthly bill of £ 22 Hypothetical example of CPS customers for illustration purposes only
Hypothetical example of CPS customers for illustration purposes only Compensation Plan You 1% – 10% Level 1 ¼% Level 2 ¼% Level 3 ¼% Level 4 1/2% Level 5 1% Level 6 2% Level 7 7% 2 Reps 4 Reps 8 Reps 16 Reps 32 Reps 64 Reps 128 Reps You Each representative acquires 25 customers with an average monthly bill of £ 22 Monthly residual income would be: £ 5,900 Hypothetical example of CPS customers for illustration purposes only
Hypothetical example of CPS customers for illustration purposes only Compensation Plan You 1% – 10% Level 1 ¼% Level 2 ¼% Level 3 ¼% Level 4 1/2% Level 5 1% Level 6 2% Level 7 7% 2 Reps 4 Reps 8 Reps 16 Reps 32 Reps 64 Reps 128 Reps You Each representative acquires 25 customers with an average monthly bill of £22 Monthly residual income would be: £ 5,900 Yearly residual income would be: £ 70,000 Hypothetical example of CPS customers for illustration purposes only
And 4 Directly Sponsored Qualified Team Trainers Compensation Plan All Other Services Commissions Videophone Commissions 7th Level Payout Qualifications: You Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 1 – 10% ¼% 1/2 % 1% 2% 3% 8% 1 – 10% ¼% 1/2% 1% 2% 7% 40 Points OR 20 Points And 4 Directly Sponsored Qualified Team Trainers
COMPENSATION PLAN Qualifications for Each Commission Level: You All Other Services Commissions Videophone Commissions You Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 1 – 10% ¼% 1/2 % 1% 2% 3% 8% 1 – 10% ¼% 1/2% 1% 2% 7% 1 Point 10 Points 20 Points 20 Points And 4 Qualified Directly Sponsored Team Trainers 40 Points OR 13
You Qualified for 1st Earned position: COMPENSATION PLAN Starting Position Earned Positions TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP ETT Qualifying Points You Qualified for 1st Earned position: ETT TT Qualifying Points 15
COMPENSATION PLAN Why Achieve ETT? Earned Positions Your Story Starting Position Earned Positions TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP Why Achieve ETT? ETT Qualifying Points Your Story Set Example ETT Compensation TT Qualifying Points 16
REASONS: Why Achieve ETT? COMPENSATION PLAN REASONS: Why Achieve ETT? ETT Compensation TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP Eligible to Earn Monthly ETT Team CABs From £60 up to £1,000 TCABs are promotional bonuses earned by upline representatives based on the number of TTs who acquire the minimum required Points within the first 30 days.
ETL ETL ETT ETT ETT COMPENSATION PLAN How To Qualify for ETL? RVP SVP ETL 12 Points You Qualified For Earned Position: ETL ETT ETT To qualify as an ETL, you must have 12 Points + 1 ETT in 3 separate legs at any level ETT
Eligible to Earn Monthly ETL Team CABs COMPENSATION PLAN Why Achieve ETL? TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP ETL Compensation Eligible to Earn Monthly ETL Team CABs From £70 up to £2,500 TCABs are promotional bonuses earned by upline representatives based on the number of TTs who acquire the minimum required Points within the first 30 days.
TC TC COMPENSATION PLAN How to Qualify for TC You qualified for: 200 TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP You qualified for: TC TC 200 Points To qualify as a TC, you must have 200 Points in 3 separate legs
Why Achieve TC? TC Compensation COMPENSATION PLAN Why Achieve TC? TC Compensation TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP TC TT TT TT 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points CABs £ 30 For every open-line TT who acquires the minimum required Points in their first 30 days. 21
Why Achieve TC? TC Compensation COMPENSATION PLAN Why Achieve TC? TC Compensation TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP CABs £30 For every TT who acquires the minimum Points in their first 30 days. Monthly TC Team CABs From £100 up to £10,000 TCABs are promotional bonuses earned by upline representatives based on the number of TTs who acquire the minimum required Points within the first 30 days.
£0 £30 COMPENSATION PLAN £10,000 T-CAB ALL ETT ETT Compare ETT, ETL & TC TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP £30 CAB From £60 to £1,000 T-CAB From £70 to £2,500 T-CAB From £100 to £10,000 T-CAB ALL ETT Production Counts ETT £0 ALL ETT & ETL Production Counts Success as an ACN Independent Representative is not guaranteed, but directly influenced by an individual’s specific efforts. Individual income results will vary.
COMPENSATION PLAN You EARN: £6,500 TEAM COORDINATOR TC ETL ETL TT ETT RVP SVP You are a TC Help two reps become ETL Help your two ETLs get 25 new QTTs in a month each Your ETLs earn £ 1,500 each 2 ETLs x 25 QTTs = 50 QTTs* TC ETL ETL You EARN: £6,500 (£1,500 CABs and £5,000 T-CABs) *Qualified Team Trainers in a calendar month. A Team Trainer is qualified when they acquire the minimum required Points in 30 days.
Regional Vice President COMPENSATION PLAN Regional Vice President TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP 3 4 TC TC You qualify for the level of: TC To qualify as a 3RVP, you must have 1 TC in 3 separate legs at any level & £30,000 in monthly commissionable downline billings 3RVP
Regional Vice President COMPENSATION PLAN Regional Vice President TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP 3 4 TC TC TC You qualify for the level of: TC TC To qualify as a 4 RVP, you must have 1 TC in 4 separate legs at any level and £50,000 in monthly commissionable downline billings 4RVP
Regional Vice President COMPENSATION PLAN Regional Vice President TT ETT ETL TC RVP SVP 3 4 All TC Compensation PLUS Increased CABs & Team CABs PLUS Residual Income BEYOND 7 Levels PLUS RVP Retreat 28
SVP COMPENSATION PLAN SUPER TEAM Residual override past 7th level ETT ETL TC RVP SVP SVP SUPER TEAM TC TC RVP RVP TC RVP TC TC Residual override past 7th level Considerable income To qualify as an SVP, you must have a TC or RVP in each of 6 separate legs with at least 3 RVP legs at any level and £ 310,000 in monthly commissionable billings. Both 3 & 4RVP legs count toward SVP qualification.
No compensation is earned at ACN unless customers are acquired. IMPORTANT NOTICE No compensation is earned at ACN unless customers are acquired. Success as an ACN Independent Representative is not guaranteed, but directly influenced by an individual’s specific efforts. No one is guaranteed income as an ACN Independent Representative and not all ACN Independent Representatives make a profit.