The 4 A’s of a Successful Marriage PART 2 8 The 4 A’s of a Successful Marriage PART 2
Divorce rates among non-religious couples = 50% (
Marriage was designed by God to continually improve in order to be successful. No Improvement → No Happiness
AGAPE “A disciplined commitment towards the well-being of another.”
Creating a Happy Marriage Commitment What constitutes a marriage is the commitment, not the sex act.
Creating a Happy Marriage Commitment Discipline Discipline and self-control are necessary if we are to realize the goals of our commitment.
Creating a Happy Marriage Commitment Discipline Well-being The #1 objective of marriage is the well-being of our partner.
ATTRACTION A good sex life is a sign and a necessity for happiness in marriage.
How to Maintain the Attraction Believe Believe God when He says that sex is good. (Genesis 2:25)
How to Maintain the Attraction Believe Be generous Make your partner’s pleasure your priority, not your own.
How to Maintain the Attraction Believe Be generous Be available There is nothing more desirable than a willing partner.
3 The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. - I Corinthians 7:3-4
God is pleased when we have great sex!
APPRECIATION Not “Thank You” cards and gifts but true understanding.
A marriage succeeds when each partner truly understands what it means to be a man or woman, a husband or wife.
AID If no one ever sinned, every marriage would be successful.
Many people would rather live in misery than ask for help.
You know you need help when you can’t make each other happy anymore.
HOME ASSIGNMENT “Marriage Builders”