WPFL Association Challenge Commitment To help increase enrollments on the NY State Organ & Tissue Donor Registry, New York Organ Donor Network (ODN) is partnering with the American Red Cross in Greater New York (ARC) on its Ready New York emergency preparedness campaign activities, which reach individuals throughout the five boroughs. Begin date, February 2006.
Action Action ODN a sponsor of the NE Regional Conference of Executive Directors of ARC in February. Displayed signage and disseminated collateral Registry brochures disseminated at all CPR and First Aid Courses in NYC [FIGURE forthcoming] ARC link to ODN website/ODN link to ARC website 15,000 registry brochures inserted into all ARC conference goody bags Participation in monthly ARC tabling events throughout NYC, average 2-3 a month. 65,000 attendees expected to be reached in FY06. ARC included in ODN publication
WPFL Association Challenge Results Ready New York Campaign still in progress Disseminated more than15,000 brochures to date Participated in eight ARC tabling events, with four scheduled for May Next steps Organ and tissue donation information soon included in Preparedness Power Point Presentation used by the Office of Emergency Management ODN will analyze trends in WP-coded brochures at the end of the second and remaining quarters and randomly evaluate receptivity of organ and tissue donation at our tabling events. Continued partnership with ARC throughout the year and future